안녕하세요, 지휘관 여러분!
1월 22일 01시부터 판매되는 "화창한 꽃밭" 테마 코스튬 마지막 주인공 "APC556 - 목란의 시"를 공개합니다!
이번 설날에 따듯하고 밝은 축복을 가득 받으시길 바라요~

54 149


11 55


Skeb comissionありがとうございました!

247 748



82 656

Can't start Christmas right if you don't have an angrypitbull ornament!!!!! 😈🔥🎄☃️❄️
Show off your pitties LFG !!!!

🐕 ❤️

9 16

Idk if it's canonical but an APC has floated around the franchise for a decade now. I think Halo Wars 2 finally featured one.

0 10

I love it but you forgot some key details to make it completeley apc

0 5

Yo , , just swept this, is it a good one???


Reminder, is eligible for the special pricing of 0.0420 when you mint , so let's build❤️

ETH 🪙 or Fiat 💳

43 70


2 10


137 529

Here’s another card piece I worked on late last year for GI Joe: Shadow of the Serpent by !
Title: Welcome to Dreadnok Country. Description: Zartan stands on an APC in a prison courtyard surrounded by inmates cheering him on.

5 22

I expect AKS-74U listen to a banger like Горящая Стрела while demanding to accelarated the APC Lol

0 4

You're in an APC and the T-Doll in the passenger seat asks you to pass the aux -

97 369


I'm giving away 19 APC
Odds of winning are high!🚀

-Follow +
-Tag 5

ENDS 11/11

67 83