Trixie proclaiming that she's the greatest and most powerful unicorn could be heard in the halls outside the counselors office moments prior.
ATG Day 9 (Makeup): Draw a pony as a filly or colt / Draw a pony sent back in time.

50 297

ATG - "Draw a pony full of pride"

First thing that came to mind for this prompt, for reasons unbeknownst to me.

23 121

ATG D10 2022 - Pride

Prompt: Draw a pony full of pride / Draw a pony going above and beyond

26 146

ATG Day 9, Drawing a pony as a filly or colt / Draw a pony sent back in time.

27 176

ATG Day 10 - Draw a pony sent back in time

I'm back! With...this lol. Somewhere along the way I decided I was drawing a prehistoric chicken and this was the result.

12 76

ATG Day 9. Couldn't think of anything, so drew Zipp as a filly.

22 90

ATG day 7!

I didn't have much time todayso here is a quick coloured sketch for this one.once again using as I turn her into a doge pone!

2 15

ATG Day 8 - Draw a pony as another species/Draw a pony making a change in their life
So…Kirin Izzy! Yeah that’s all, folks!

289 1406

Draconequus Fluttershy.
ATG Day 8: Draw a pony as another species / Draw a pony making a change in their life.

49 299

"Draw a pony as another species/Draw a pony making a change in their life"
To say this is the one prompt I struggle with year after year, I think this might be on of my favourite ATG entires I've ever drawn! 🤣

29 176

ATG D8 2022 - Kiwin Luna

Prompt: Draw a pony as another species / Draw a pony making a change in their life.

Kiwin o c o

46 229

ATG D7 2022 - Mmmm

Prompt: Draw a pony fawning over another pony / Draw a pony falling head over heels for another pony.

I wonder what she is looking at • c •

26 176

Inseparable. Lyra and Bonbon.
ATG Day 5: Draw a pony meeting a long-lost friend / Draw ponies who are inseparable from each other.

72 409

Ready to take over the world!
Not pictured, the stool and several books needed to stand high enough over the globe display.
ATG Day 3: Draw a pony filled with determination / Draw a pony ready to take on the world.

18 88

Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) - Post up on the Equestria Daily website here:

I mean, if that's what you want to do, random Americamare.

Get art below!

[1] Source
by czu  

[2] Source
ATG D3 2022 - Take O…

11 91

ATG D3 2022 - Take Over

Prompt: Draw a pony filled with determination / Draw a pony ready to take on the world

I have no idea how this came up when I read the prompt • c •;

18 113

The quick orange pony jumps over the lazy pone.

Draw a moving pony / Draw a pony leaping to action

9 57

ATG Day 2 - Draw a pony moving/leaping to action

Made it in time, woo~! Now potato is not sure if jumping to protective mode counts as leaping to action though. But here, have a comic of Zipp and Hitch interrogating a pony!

123 580

ATG D2 2022 - Action
Prompt: Draw a moving pony / Draw a pony leaping to action.

Wet • c •

19 108

ATG Day 1: A Pony Standing

38 246