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“It is always you isn’t it?”

301 1770

Eu achei que seria pesado, mas... Ainda é. O que imaginei seria bem mais pesado, mas da pra ver suave.

Vcs podem achar bem pesado, pq o que considero pesado as vezes tem que passar da linha, tipo... Kaifuku.. que ainda é leve.
Mas dá pra ver... Hametsu no Oukoku. https://t.co/SJr8jY73de

0 8

Eating the food they cook, going to festivals with them, discussing light novels-- moments with the Traveler are small indulgences Ayaka allows herself on top of what she thinks of as "escapades". These small things are stuff she considers herself lucky to have.

3 46

Boa noite! Durmam bem.

Já que estamos na semana de calor, vou ver qual é a sensação de ficar sem roupa. Vou estar sozinho mesmo. Suave.

0 6

CoCシナリオ 『Brave.Blood.Battle』
著:虚無の谷 様(https://t.co/s2Tnafq1bv

HO1:Cyrille Goat
HO2:NIna Aurore

Ep01 ED【BLOOD】シナリオクリア

1 11

"I am but a single wave...born from the Coral tide."

86 609

Describe yourself ONLY using pictures you have. You cannot search or download new pictures https://t.co/Fr6jMfOXPy

2 152

Boa tarde! Como estão?

Perdi o P2 da F1 pq tava tendo jogo na escola, mas tá suave. Agora é só relaxar em casa~

2 10

Boa tarde! Como estão?

Hoje foi pica! Agora toda sexta terá as últimas horas de aula com música e jogos. Tentei jogar vôlei, mas não consegui. Cada time era ruim. Se fosse minha classe era suave.

0 7

And when Big Jack was going to taste the pie his eyes woke up something that he had never felt before... and his heart started to beat fast and hard!!!

Big Jack: Not a single gesture she have... [whisper]

Guard: Sir?

Big Jack: Send her in.... and take her weapons 🙄 😒 https://t.co/rs6RdJs5GP

1 3


"I give you everything I have."

77 671

Wriothesley; his whole being is very thematic; from his constellation Cerberus, the hound who guards the gates of hell akin to his position as the Lord of the fortress prison. Cerberus is said to fawn upon those who enter Hell and destroy those who try to leave.

86 603

i don't believe i ever claimed to be "whole".
but rather than worrying over what i may or may not have lost, i'd rather concern myself with what i still have.
as well as the possibility of what i might be able to gain further. https://t.co/CBIpL7efNj

0 0

I think jellied eels is one of the most god forsaken meme foods the British have.

they had the opportunity to make something god tier like unagi but they chose this.

853 9185

Bom dia! Dormiram bem?

Os maluco passando trote, meu! Num condomínio, meu! Porra, meu! Só pra sair de casa, meu!
Tá suave. Eu sou recluso, mas eu saio de casa.

0 9

the olm started life as an ephimeral water spirit,meant to come an go in an endless cycle, instead it dripped into a cave. in the bottom of the world it grew and rot into a being of decay and stillness. its brothers visit it sometimes, careful to not be consumed by its essence

167 937