Mikellino mikellino
No voy a dejar que me seduzcas viejo sabrozo
Es azteKa:D

27 162

Euskal komikigintzako pertsonaia mitikoak nork bere estiloan marrazteko 4. erronka: Juan Luis Landa eta Joxean Muñoz-en IRATI! Jarri arkatzak dantzan! 🤘🤘🤘

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Hi, I’m Bazteki! I’m a full-time fine artist, working in a variety of mediums but specializing in acrylics.

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I've said before that Aztek could kind of fill that Hawkman role, but we've also got more explicit referencing here with Aquaman questioning whether Zauriel was Hawkman briefly. Makes sense, because wings.

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JLA gives us a single issue story that Aztek was referencing. Giving us a look into the selection process of new JLA members, starting with newcomer Tomorrow Woman.

As told by Grant Morrison, Howard Porter, John Dell, Pat Garrahy, Heroic Age & Ken Lopez.

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Aztek, The Ultimate Man This issue is a pretty obvious connection between Aztek and the JLA (he spends the entire thing applying for membership), but also I kind of feel like there was more rope for this as a solo book. Ah well.

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About to fade away for NYE, but first... Aztek, The Ultimate Man Interesting how the guest stars have accelerated from Green Lantern to Batman to Superman. Especially interesting given we’re reading this before hopping into the JLA run proper.

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Likewise, this is an interesting set up to protect Aztek that raises questions. Why Julia is unaffected, since she went with Aztek to the Q Group HQ, makes sense, but everyone else can't have got a lobotomy like her fiancé, right?

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I question Luthor's game plan when it comes to "helping" Aztek. I'm apparently not the only one.

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Everything a '90s kid could want. Changing the status quo like this is a little weird, but then cancellations came out of nowhere in comics at this time. I don't remember if there were grumblings or plans or not to fold Aztek into JLA originally.

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That's a pretty tough one. Out of the ones you've done for me, I'm still impressed by the piece you made for the Sumo Tourney, as well as the Immortal Fam. Otherwise I really enjoy the Glaztek Future and I'm a really big fan of all the pieces you did for the Trivia group

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Aztek, The Ultimate Man Pretty standard Batman team-up issue here to follow The Joker shows up to terrorize Vanity issue. Pretty well done, but not sure I have too much to say past that.

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Aztek - The Ultimate Man A pretty rote “oh no, The Joker is in town!” issue. Barely follows up on the horrible fridging last issue and doesn’t move this book’s plot forward too much. Fun all the same, though, I guess.

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Makes you kind of wonder what she was expecting for Aztek's "explanation".

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Oh cool, doling out way more information about Aztek’s whole deal. As I was while reading the Invisibles, very intrigued to see use of Aztec mythos here (as the name suggests), which in my opinion is a severely underrated mythos.

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Aztek - The Ultimate Man There’s a lot to like in this comic, which really is the most intriguing of the series so far, layering Aztek’s personal history and giving him a mission. Still, what happens to Joy is a pretty tough thing.

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Aztek confronts the Lizard King. He can do anything. Mostly. Except love.

Aztek keeps running the crazy train from Grant Morrison, Mark Millar, N. Steven Harris, Keith Champagne, Michael Danza, and Chris Eliopoulos.

Also, Aztec mythology fun.

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I think this sequence with Aztek and the lizard shows off the two different competing sensibilities in Morrison and Millar (though the ideas and execution here may be completely different).

Spending time finding a pet lizard to the exclusion of what society considers "more...

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Aztek, The Ultimate Man Aztek has two dates...one with a colleague who was apparently put up for it for...reasons, and another with a supervillain wanting to take him out to make a name for herself. Sure, yeah, let’s do this.

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Aztek, The Ultimate Man This was a fun team-up story. I’ve assumed for a while that DC had a stipulation for a time that second issues starring new or obscure characters get bigger name team-ups. This holds with that.

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