here's a lil' step by step if anyone's curious!! (VERY abridged, there's several layers of sketching I didn't include here)

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"August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time."

~Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath.🎨Johan Eckersberg.

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Recently re-listened to the abridged audiobook of 's Tenth Doctor novel Beautiful Chaos, couldn't be more impressed with Bernard Cribbins' narration and his occasional singing. I miss him so deeply. 💔💔

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Old shirt concept I did based on a DBZ Abridged joke

I still like this, though the art could use a facelift

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So Garrett got into Dall-E 2 and he suggested that we put my Alt-Text descriptions into Dall-E 2 and see what happens… the results were pretty interesting! (Well, these were abridged versions of the descriptions as the full descriptions didn’t fit)

Here’s the first one we did:

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This is Maniclease (or just Manic) an eldrick being summoned from the otherside, think of jim carrey’s grinch and alucard from hellsing abridged as one funky character

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Who wants to be a part of a new abridged series I'm making? DM me if you are willing to voice act for free.

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Yo, guess who's finally catching up with ?

Issue 77 and this draw-along brings you all a handy dandy abridged version of the Sonic's World strip.

Can't believe Sonic's dead again, guys 😔

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Foil= A character intended to highlight attributes in another character through opposing traits. ~ Writing Explained (Abridged)

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Do any artist mutuals feel confident in recreating the Overlord artstyle with characters in an outfit similar to the second image?

Need this for a small bit in the next episode of Overlord Abridged

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Read all four volumes. I enjoyed it, but it definitely got very repetitive at times. Going to check out the abridged version to see if I can recommend that more. Sun Wukong is sick though and I now understand why so many series use him as the model for their protagonists.

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Here it is. The special announcement!
An Abridged* Curse of Strahd campaign. Dmed by the wonderful with characters by some of our Book Club players.
I hope you're as excited as we are because if this promo (also by Friendo) is anything to go by it will be incredible.

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Look at my boi Kohaku!!

Oh and I may be playing him in an abridged so...

TY too for making this epic piece

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"Prometheus" - process (abridged) - painted in 2006.

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What's the best anime abridged series?

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I have a friend playing an abridged version of the Galaxy Angel dating sim and now I’m blessed with these images of Forte

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A Salty First Kiss - Chapter 93: A Monster's Purpose

The life of a monster, abridged.

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Finally, abridged Country Roads (。´ ‿`。)

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