It’s I am personally asexual, panromantic, and so my sonas are too 🖤🤍 no matter where you fall under the Ace umbrella, you’re valid, you’re loved, and you deserve respect just as much as anyone else 🖤🤍

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I had always wondered why relationships never appealed to me, and realizing I was ace/aro just felt so liberating. This fandom definitely played a role in that process as well. 💜🤍🖤

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Happy Im a biromantic ace and i draw sometimes 👉👈

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Awawawawawaaaa! It's That's me! I'm ace (or maybe demi? It's up in the air and I'm not too concerned)! Hi! I'm an artist, mostly of furry stuff, but I do other stuff too, like learning music! Today was a really nice day for me! Here's some of my art! Enjoy!

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I spend so many years thinking that I was broken, that something was wrong with me for not feeling the same as others and not doing what is considered -normal-... But I wasn't wrong, this is how I am and since I come out I feel happy! Happy Aceday!

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Happy I don't feel like drawing anything new, so have these 💜🤍🖤

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Was very happy to wake up to see that today is the first ever As someone who is ace and only first heard the term when I was 19 it warms my heart to see an international level day of recognition going on. Thank you for the love & support!

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We haven't had our characters outright say how they identify yet which is why we want to give a shout out to our asexual characters:

Hanako Kanagawa, Madame Ava Swanson, Dr. Elsa Frankenstein, Jamie Ripley, and our upcoming character Goldie Locke.

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Found out this morning that it's So I drew a little Yunni to celebrate. Even though it never really comes up in AstralSounds, Yunni is asexual, just like me!

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Happy 🖤🤍💜
I have always headcanon Shadow as a Demisexual guy ~ so here a quick doodle for today!

My fellow Aces, remember that we are very valid and beautifull, hope you are having a wonderfull day! 💖🌱

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💜 a very happy from me! an asexual! WOO! 💜

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HAPPY im Max, an asexual trans man that makes gay ocs and epic character designs! i recently opened a Ko-fi page, so if youd like to support me in any way, Ko-fi's one of them!

and to everyone on the ace spectrum: youre valid & ily

1 4

Happy I'm glad to see a lot of ace-spec support here ^^ I hope fellow aces a wonderful day and plenty of cake!!💜♠️🍰

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It’s Hey you all know me, but you may not know that I’m asexual! I draw cartoons and work on storyboards!! ☺️🎉 I love all you ace people out there, have an awesome day loves! 🖤🤍💜

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