“Turns out im multifunctional. I’m a glowstick and a toaster!” Was reading tommyinnit isn’t your personal iPhone charger by Rhapsoddity and this was just too funny to me so I drew it lol (holy shit the acronym is tinypic haha)

1 2

y'all sleepin on my man HOAGIE P. GILLIGAN. he's a 2x4 tech. officer! motherfucker could probably take a dumpster full of garbage and recycle parts to make a sustainable fusion engine. probably give it a cool acronym name too. Y'ALL SLEEEEEEPIN' ON HIM

0 1

“Earlier today I and several agents of ULTIMATUM--the Underground Liberated Totally Integrated Mobile Army To Unite Mankind…” Look, Flag-Smasher, you can call your group “Ultimatum”. Or maybe “Ultimatum Liberation Army”. You don’t need an awkward acronym.

4 34

every time I read the acronym ALAN (Artificial Light At Night) in a paper, I imagine it as a person

now everyone else can too!

8 31

Rosu: I want to get that plugin that lets viewers throw things at the streamer
Rosu, after finding out it's called T.I.T.S.: WHY IS IT CALLED THAT? Surely there were other acronyms they could've used

0 0

Actually yes it is. Unless it’s iida then I have a three letter acronym to say https://t.co/9QMcioDgQI

0 1

Now that i think about it Melody of Memory also shares the acronym with Mark of Mastery besides of the Master of Masters 👀

8 33

they havent uploaded the group draw yet but i drew dessertduo tbhs in the otrfgc. i think thats the acronym. anyways now i can eat pizza roll

2 17

what does your name even stand for assuming it's an acronym so i can say it like a very angry and disappointed mother

0 0

3 / What does ESFP stand for?
ESFP is an acronym used to describe one of the sixteen personality types created by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers. It stands for Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving.ESFP indicates a person who is energized by time spent with others

0 1

Big thanks to and on helping figure out this acronym🙏

8 64

No lie I've never seen that acronym outside of games to I was like looking for group? Is this about to become a scenario where I need a couch?

0 0

The only obstacle standing between you and success is FEAR.
F.E.A.R = False Evidence Appearing Real
> Hunt it. Exterminate it <
Thank you for the great acronym!

1 10

I don't know what the fandom is shortening him to but by know folks probably knows how much I love acronyms so in future I am just gonna refer to Son Gohan Beast as "SGB"

0 14

YGO players will turn any card's name into an acronym and just assume you know what they mean. they'll be like "ACOTU has cool artwork" and expect you to decipher they mean Abomimable Chamber of the Unchained??

19 290

a very important acronym for a very important person, SHIARA !! 🦇❤️‍🩹


Hates the government
Indoor voices
A little bit tired (and desperate)
Really does NOT need therapy
A little more tired (again)

2 18

Dragalia Lost player when you tell them about Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2 (One of the games' acronym is PMD:EoS)

4 27

Sonder - If I was an acronym what would I be?

Here's the first word jumble that came to mind lol

Silly Oxymoron Nerd Does Electronic Research

3 34

I finally managed to find a name for him.

His name is "Ace"

In his childhood he was called "Ace" because it was an acronym for his birth name (Annia Cadwyn Eragone), but he decided to keep the acronym as his name when he changed gender.

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