I swear I heard “cloning party” Anyone else hear “cloning party” if you thought you were too late… guess what you’re not! But you gotta be in to know when… LFG!!

2 3

Listen to this man… he is speaking nothing but the truth! This project is built for the long term… and built to succeed! 💯 Come and explore what’s going on here!!

3 5

Check… check and FCKN CHECK!! All we can do Fam is keep trying to let them know!! IYKYK 💯

3 10

Exploration phase ✅️
Free Mint (Mushroom's) ✅️
Free Burn ⏰️ (Upon website 🟢)

Yet again a seamless minting/claiming process from & 👏

Go claim your FREE* Resident tokens you will have 1 (one) week to claim ⏰️👀

5 12

Just claimed 32 resident tokens by Steezy Ape Gang for .002 Ether in gas, and delisted any genesis, generative, or HMN5 that I may have had listed 👊. Resident 🍄 Token + Alpha21 💊 burn for a HMN5 plus a free burn?! Yes, please!

LFG f a m

25 55

Getting more and more excited by the day for the reveal, these clones are going to be 🔥 and interested to meet these Residents we have been hearing about. Who are they, what is their story? 😎

Time will tell ⏰️🍄

we are coming for you! 🚀

8 17

The Reveal is COMING SOON!
I couldn’t be more excited to enjoy this experience of the Clones & Residents reveal with ALL of my Family!
These haven’t even revealed yet & already have one of the strongest in the space!

12 24

Haha man I don’t know what selling a is !!!
I’ll be in the gang for life, and sure as hell cloned my grails 🚀🚀
See you in

4 7

Cloned my to
Cant wait for the reveal !

💚Shout out to for gifting me my , and to for sending me 💚

The Community is out of this world!

6 20

About 1500 mints left to complete the first stage of our drop!

Don’t miss out, as it will unlock the exploring phase of our journey to Alpha21.


31 42

Bling bling!! 👀👀💎💎 This looks so sick! Welcome to the Fam! 🤝 💪👊🏼

2 8

Want to Congratulate & Welcome into the ! They Won & 💊 in our Discord last night! Shout out to for helping me put the Giveaway together!

22 46

Claimed all of my pills for all of my Steezys - WOOHOO! Now the hard part, waiting to see their clones!😁 So stoked!

9 29

Another smooth claim by the team! 10 capsules claimed for a little over 1$! Can’t wait to see my Steezy’s come to life as HMN5’!

3 11

Tomorrow 11.21.22

holders will be able to claim 1:1 Okina Labs Alpha21 💊

Giving your STZY the pill will allow you to clone certain traits when you mint a token!

For more info ck out the https://t.co/OYPMgcgy7r website.

⛵️: https://t.co/rAt0yagnoN

33 43

This is the BEST way to “check out” the community vibe for anyone looking to jump in! The SAG Fam shows the positivity and acceptance to anyone that comes in with open arms! LFG!

3 6

GM ☕️💨 fam! Just got a few fire edits from thanks again bro!! If you want yours, hit him up!🔥🔥🔥#alpha21

3 14