ok first we have my man alucard, one if my first anime crushes tbh. I'm still very in love with this monstrosity oh my God

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I love Dhampirs! We are about to start a campaign where I will be playing Alucard, the Dhampir Bloodhunter.

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If i cant marry alucard, im not getting married

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

If I had to pick a different class for them it would be a Blood Cleric or Blood Sorceror.

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

They would only ever wear a funny hat if it was to make Fawn laugh.

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

The candle scent that would best describe Alucard would have to be a dark, musky scent with hints of sweet roses.

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

His favorite dessert would be Sanguinaccio dolce (Pig's blood pudding).

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

Does anybody enjoy the Spice Girls concept?

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

I feel like this is a bit repetitive, but his favorite outdoor activity would be "Who's the better killer?" He started letting Fawn win, but then she started getting good at it.

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

As a child, Alucard was rather spoiled. Doted on by his vampire father and treated like a prince by everyone around him. He lived a very soft life in his early years.

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

They are most definitely a keeper of secrets.

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

Alucard would definitely be a hot springs person before ever hanging out at a beach.

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

Hunting tends to cheer them up. Specifically, hunting with Fawn while they play "Who's the better killer?"

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

Favorite beverage would be blood wine.

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

They are most definitely a night owl.

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

If they would be a sandwich, it would be probably a bloody venison burger.

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

Someone they are grateful for would probably be Fawn. They have only recently found her, but she has quickly become the family that Alucard no longer has.

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

Favorite animal would have to be a crow. Harbingers of death.

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

Favorite fruit would be a blood orange.

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Answer to about Alucard, Dhampir Bloodhunter:

The title of the ballad chronicling their life would probably be something like "Blood Roses".

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