Joevember Day 17: Scarlett

I was always more of a Lady Jaye fan but there’s no denying Scarlett’s lasting legacy on the GI JOE franchise. Since the early 80s the Counter Intelligence expert has been ever present in all its forms.

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Joevember Day 16: Chuckles

Everyone’s favorite Undercover Specialist takes us through the halfway point of the month.

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Joevember Day 13: Lifeline

Because no one demanded it... Lifeline.
I’ve got nothing against Lifeline. Every team needs a good medic and he served my Joe team well for hundreds of imaginary battles.

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Joevember Day 9: Roadblock

Truly an artistic soul in the body of a warrior this rhyming gourmet chef is as sweet as can be but has probably murdered at least 50 Cobras. Too bleak for Monday morning?

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Joevember Day 3: Sgt. Slaughter

Sgt. Slaughter is of course the boot camp instructor in a remote location that whips Joes into shape like no one else.

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A beautiful capture of the great by Artist art of Atlanta, Ga. lives on.

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Incoming Transmission: Jamie Sullivan announces Pre-Orders for a CGC graded set of G.I.Joe and 36” wide print! Make sure to hit up to get your order in!

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Zartan, master of disguise. COBRA middle management.

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Shipwreck and Polly Shipwreck giving Polly a cracker, this Joe was suggested by thanks for the suggestions

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Quick Kick, who I dressed as for Halloween in the 3rd grade, and Airtight for

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It's y'all! And HIRO: Blood of Patriots has perks to fit any budget. We only need $376 to get fully funded and We can do that Today! Please support + share!

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