The Mara Kickstarter is still going full steam! We just teamed up with other comic creators to offer more comics as stretch goals. Amerikaiju 3 pack is first up at 135 backers, followed by a badass female protagonist 3 pack at 150!

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The Mara Kickstarter is still going full steam! We just teamed up with other comic creators to offer more comics as stretch goals. Amerikaiju 3 pack is first up at 135 backers, followed by a badass female protagonist 3 pack at 150!

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The Mara Kickstarter is still going full steam! We just teamed up with other comic creators to offer more comics as stretch goals. Amerikaiju 3 pack is first up at 135 backers, followed by a badass female protagonist 3 pack at 150!

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The Mara Kickstarter is still going full steam! We just teamed up with other comic creators to offer more comics as stretch goals. Amerikaiju 3 pack is first up at 135 backers, followed by a badass female protagonist 3 pack at 150!

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The Mara Kickstarter is still going full steam! We just teamed up with other comic creators to offer more comics as stretch goals. Amerikaiju 3 pack is first up at 135 backers, followed by a badass female protagonist 3 pack at 150!

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The Mara Kickstarter is still going full steam! We just teamed up with other comic creators to offer more comics as stretch goals. Amerikaiju 3 pack is first up at 135 backers, followed by a badass female protagonist 3 pack at 150!

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Weshalb attackiert die amerikanische Rechte Trans Rights? Weshalb helfen einige Feminstinnen dabei?Mit welchen Strategien wird gearbeitet -und was ist der historische Hintergrund? Das besprechen und ich in der neuen Folge :

61 364

Amerikan jävel du har säkert 50 liter av rent fett på dig på grund av alla dina burgare som du äter.

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Heute war "Ruf-Fudge-um-Kobras-in-Nordamerika-zu-vertreiben-Tag".

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We're all living in Amerika- 👽

Hype for the Destroy all humans 2 remake!!

8 31

1. Abangnya HinakiP, Akihisa Yuugiri. Dulu cuek, sekarang siscon akut. Padahal gay dan bersuami. Desainer langganan 346-315pro.

2. Adek cowonya Nanaca, Shugo Adler. Anak SMP, tinggal di Amerika. Petakilan mirip Teio (makanya Nnc nganggep Teio dedek). Ngefans sama Golshi-anego

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🐎u_yume: Sakurada Nanaca Adler (namanya gitu karena bokapnya orang Amerika, tapi dia WN Jepang masih ngikut nama nyokapnya)

🌟M_yume: Asamiya Hinaki (maiden name sebelum pernikahan pertamanya sih, Yuugiri Hinaki)

🌟shiny_yume: Yaotome Iris (Iris ditulis pakai kanji 'Hitomi'.)

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Ein mexikanisch-amerikanischer Superheld reist nach um einen Mitarbeiter des mexikanischen Roten Kreuz zu retten. Diese Geschichte erzählt "El Peso Hero: Ucrania" von Héctor Rodríguez. Der Comic ist umsonst, der Künstler bittet um Spenden an Unicef.

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Frencz Erdélyi (Francis de Erdely) (Macaristan-Amerika, 1904-1959)

1920'lere kadar klasik, antik resim çalıştı. Avrupa'da 1929-30'lar buhranı ve faşizmin yükselişi karşısında resimleri siyasallaştı, daha keskin toplumsal-eleştirel siyasal çizgiler kazandı.

1 47

Amerikate vibing 🫴

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"Histoire Naturelle, La Grenouille Mugissante - Le Crapaud Pipa"
Nordamerikanischer Ochsenfrosch - Lithobates catesbeianus - American Bullfrog
from "Encyclopedia" By Denis Diderot (1713-1784
and Jean Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert (1717-17839
Quart edition. Paris, 1751-1772

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