Pequeño fanart de Cecilia a.k.a Miss heed 💗

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¡Feliz cumpleaños :]!
Amo todo tu trabajo y eres la persona a la que más admiro, fuiste quien me inspiró a dibujar y a seguir adelante.
Muchas gracias por todo :D💖🎩

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Realmente no tuve tiempo de dibujar algo nuevo para por su cumpleaños pero decidi repostear este dibujo que le había realizado el año pasado, espero Alan se la pasara bien en su cumple y si ves esto Alan, te admiro bastante 💖🎊🎉

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im animon a anituber and a vtuber on twitch love creating new ocs , getting art for them and create a story i love Pokémon anime fire emblem and bord games i always wanted to try dnd so if anyone i might be your guy

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So so so it's getting close to valentines days, and I made a doodle of my favorite anitubers couple 💖💖💖

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holds at for a 2nd day on the Worldwide and with his 1st EP by after topping iTunes charts in over 51 countries, while his amazing title track is on the WWWIT chart!💪👨‍🎤❤️💿💥🥇🌎➕🌍🎵📈✖️2️⃣🔥👑💚

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is back with a HUGE bang as his 1st EP by lands at on the Worldwide & after hitting in 51 countries, while his title track lands at 5 on hitting in 30 countries!💪👨‍🎤💿❤️💥🥇🌎➕🌍🎵📈🔥👑💚

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A snake with a Great Reveal also needs a Great Welcome!
with this I recognize you as part of our snakey flat family!!!
Que tu planitud se reconocida por todo el mundo!!!

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Si, vuelvo a poner otro tweet con

esta vez es especial<3

les presento a mi nuevo ✨Hermanu✨
Ahora en adelante, Zachy es mi hermanituu wiii

Se le quiere Zachy<3


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⬛️🟪🟧PP61 XS18
I always make Xsmall paintings on paper after the large size canvas « Presence painting ». I use the liquid paint left of the large canvas. A way of linking these two types of creations. Series: PP61 “Vanitas, vanitum, omnia vanitas”

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I'm animon a vtuber/ anituber at the same time I'm trying to balance them but Im not doing a good job. right now but I love writing if you see my tweets lately I'm creating and commissioning new ocs to fill my creativity I like pokemon anime bord games and fire emblem

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For context I am also a anituber
. Hit 50 followers
. Collab with vtubers
. Actually lern how to edit and put effort in anitubing
. Find a long term goal/ Dream

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Cuánto puede valer el creador de una serie animada?
Re hecho

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いつも本当にありがとうございます !!

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