Off Tune is a Claripod from the planet Robum. She can play noises from her nose that sound like a distorted clarinet. She is also elastic and can create art in her image.

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Long Winter is a Repcicle from the planet Yukira. She can fire beams of ice from the eye on her chest. She can also use it to levitate anything that she covered in ice.

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Skysaw is a Wyvcleave from the planet Mantogon. She can use her wings as blades to cut down anything in her path, both while on the ground and while flying in the air.

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Pest Control is a Pestivore from the planet Infestus. She can release various toxic gasses from her mouth. These gases are efficient against vermin, weeds, and fungi.

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Dradon is a Dentagon from the planet Caviteria. She might be small, but she can grow her head three times its normal size to take massive bites with her very sharp teeth.

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Meltburn is a Chemivern from the planet Bozolve. She can fire incredibly hot acid from her pincer-tipped tail. The acid can melt through things like steel within seconds.

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Loched & Loaded is a Lacutherium from the planet Nessland. She can eject gallons of water from her mouth, making it either room temperature, arctic cold, or scalding hot.

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Rootling is a Dwarf Drabark from the planet Vindiesa. She can use the elastic, strong, and regenerative roots on her back for transport and the manipulation of object.

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Longlong is an Naganaga from the planet Reprep. She can seemingly stretch her neck, torso, and tail at an infinite length. She can also constrict her foes like a snake.

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Jaggon is an Oxyderm from the planet Cragga. She can grow sharp points on her body that can penetrate through objects and then break off. She is also extremely durable.

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Shockatrice is a Poultile from the planet Brontovi. She can release bolts of electricity from her eyes. She is also pretty fast and capable of short distance flight.

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Longjaw is a Makrysagoni from the planet Rynchos Aqua. She has the power to elongate her mouth to snatch objects and people from afar. Her mouth also remains durable.

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Fintastic is a Teravaeva from the planet Vetta. She is really fast in the water. Also, her oversized fins can be used to cut and slash things in a similar way to swords.

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Bughead is a Ganglian from the planet Ganglia. She is very intelligent and able to dig and fly. She is also very good at inventions and building massive constructs.

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Cutesybeam is an Adorafae from the planet Atsidas. She has three holes in each ear that can fire a laser that cutifies anything it hits. She is also pretty cute herself.

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Flight Support is a Enboostgine from the planet Dwihower. She can release disks from her arms that attach to objects and people to make them fly around like rockets.

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Invincibean is a Pierfinian from the planet Urg. She is invulnerable to physical damage. Also, she can multiply at a rapid pace and speak and understand any language.

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Gigarachnid is a Shelagog from the planet Acrogol. She can shoot webbing from any of her appendages. Her digits also double as stingers filled with paralyzing venom.

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Monster Lab is a Tohorror from the planet Oumont. Being a mass of black ooze and bones, she can take the form of an array of monsters and beasts. She is also quite feral.

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Dashgash is a Drepaniraptor from the planet Gesa Genesis. She can move incredibly fast for her size and shoot out giant quills from her body at even faster speeds.

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