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El dia de hoy le toca a mi querida @Hoshi_Vtuber con un appmon perfecto con su lore. Tarotmon un appmon de la superadivinacion, mediante el uso de cartas extrañas puede mirar a traves de todo el futuro y pasado del sujeto.
#Digifacts #Digimon #Appmon
Appmon using 3D animation is a blessing and a curse since at times it can look choppy but when it needs to the animation can be great and also the they can make designs that wouldn't be practical in 2D but some are over-designed so it's a bit of give and take with the 3D
Digimon fan that is still waiting for both hunters and appmon to get official english dubs.
Publimon appmon icon
PubliNews app
#digimon #digimonappmon #appmon
#ゴーストゲーム #デジモンユニバース
Pero no es solo que se parece a un Appmon, si no que actúa con la extremidad de uno!!!
¿Será esto una señal? 🤔
¿Que opinan @ArchivosDeIzzy @WarTyranno @ElPerkins626 @Sebas84671330 @SoraRaion ?
The Jester of the day is... Cardmon, from the Digimon (Appmon) series!
A gauche ce sont les Digimon, à droite ce sont des Appmon (qui sont aussi des Digimon en soi) https://t.co/2OYfFJNUMp
@BasedDIGIMON If someone hasn't told me this is an appmon I would assume it's a Piedmon evolution
Hoy este día se quedará en nuestro recuerdo como el día que pensábamos que iba a aparecer un Appmon en #DigimonGhostGame👻👾
@digimonweb_net Digimonized version of Appmon's Reviewmon and Kosomon, love it 😍
happy birthday appmon!! one of my fav digimon seasons!! 🥳#アプモンの日 #AppmonMemorial #digimon #デジモン #アプモン
doing that digimon picker while at work and learning about digimon I never heard about ever before
(to be fair I know barely anything about appmon)
Happy 6th anniversary Digimon Universe Appli Monsters 🎉🎉
#アプモン #アプモン6周年 #Appmon6th #AppmonMemorial #appmon #Digimon