Sketch inspired by "The Last Judgement: Angels, apostles"
In this sketch I tried to relate Jesus Christ as the Christ I see in his glory. I also tried to depict his physical state, as well as mental state as I saw him on the cross in my hometown of Jerusalem.

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Sketch inspired by "Portrait of the artist"
In this sketch I wanted to show how the painter draws his paintings, as he is very different from other people in his artwork.

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Sketch inspired by "The Rain (Paris), The Red Balloon"
In this sketch I tried to relate the whimsy of the dancers to reality, with a dash of realism and a smile on their lips.

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Sketch inspired by "Portrait Of My Sister-in-Law"
In this sketch I wanted to honour the woman who gave birth to my life and her beauty, my sister Petra Petra.

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Sketch inspired by "Madonna with the Lion and the Swan (detail)"
In this sketch I wanted to depict the Madonna in all her majesty and glory, while offering to serve her patron Christ and to forgive her sin.

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Sketch inspired by "Coffin of a Young Man with a Hat"
In this sketch I tried to relate to my peers in school by playing a harp.

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Sketch inspired by "Bathers at Chateau Noir"
In this sketch I wanted to depict the friendship of two women. One is an old lady, while the other is an aristocrat dressed in a traditional French dress. I painted her as I intended her appearance in my book.

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Sketch inspired by "Untitled (White House)"
In this sketch I wanted to show off my interior design. It is the symbol of pride for the White House, a symbolic palace where the people are most likely to be able to hear and feel well.

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Sketch inspired by "The Three Muses"
In this sketch I tried to combine the classical music and modern whimsy. The effect seems like it could have come from the album Pink Panther’s studio album or from my stage playing acoustic instruments.

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Sketch inspired by "The Red Riding Hood"
In this sketch I tried to relate my feelings in relation to nudity and sexual pleasure. The bikini represents my self-portrait.

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Sketch inspired by "The Big Apple and the Devil in White"
In this sketch I tried to depict a man in his early forties with a black curtain over his head.
“Self-Portrait in Blue: I”terest in Dreams.”

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Sketch inspired by "Woman in the Garden with Birds"
In this sketch I tried to show how life can come into tension.
The bird’s-eye view of my soul, I hoped.

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Sketch inspired by "The Last Judgement (Theotokos of Judgement)"
In this sketch I wanted to honour those people that died for my faith, while at the same time offering myself for their love, peace and love.

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Sketch inspired by "Untitled (Blue Monochrome)"
In this sketch I tried to combine light, color, realism and symbolism in the painting. The effect seems very natural, like trying to paint with paintbrush and brush strokes.

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Sketch inspired by "Untitled (A Tree Falls into a Cave)"
In this sketch I painted the falls as a warning. The trees in front are warning that the path is dark.

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Sketch inspired by "Mares on a Wild Horse"
In this sketch I wanted to depict the little girls in the wild, learning and learning, while playing the violin.

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Sketch inspired by "Bathers on the river"
In this sketch I wanted to depict how I wanted my bathing clothes in a natural setting.
I tried to depict my bikini as a nude woman, but was rejected by most of the women in my portfolio.

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Sketch inspired by "Portrait of a Woman"
In this sketch I tried to relate my own feelings about the world and its beauty. I wanted to express them through realistic poses.

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Sketch inspired by "Panorama in Sao Le-Ming"
In this sketch I wanted to show a sunrise in Sao Le-Ming, Vietnam. It is a major source of inspiration for my paintings.

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