This lil guy is so cute... shout out to the one Aulus fan on Twitter dot Com

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Meet Mead my Diplocaulus and Wesley my Leopard Gecko

0 0

Diplocaulus was a Paleozoic amphibian, notable for it's big 'ol boomerang head. Some theories as to why it developed such an unusual shape include external gills, defensive measures, mating, or generating lift to make it more hydrodynamic.

5 26

Walross Freya in Norwegen eingeschläfert, weil Schaulustige trotz Warnungen zu nahe kamen“

16 58

2/2 Cydippe with Acontius's apple. And Ariadne, lonely and miserable in the 1630s. Paulus Bor, selecting antique legend's most unhappy females to paint.

2 38

next piece for Xylaria on af!! diplocaulus yay :]

3 19

239 - Maulus Navy Issue
Toomine Kasumi - Alien 9

1 3

June 2022 EVE shipgirls thread.
Vindicator, Crusader, Armageddon, Maulus Navy Issue... and blurry special one

1 19

🫀 Aulus Gul Golshan
🫀 The Dragon's Table
🫀 5'1"

Might have been raised in a cult, but he's better now. Currently works at a maximum security prison as a janitor (and isn't pleased with this).

0 5

I've revived Paulus (my fox sona) :3

4 86

In Thessaloniki

Apostelg. 17, 2-3 Paulus redete mit ihnen an drei Sabbaten aus der Schrift, tat sie ihnen auf und legte ihnen dar: "Der Christus mußte leiden und auferstehen von den Toten und dieser Jesus, den ich euch verkündige, ist der Christus."

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Biechtstoelen in de Sint-Pauluskerk, Antwerpen, Louis Haghe, Print Room of the University of Antwerp (Palette: 🖌🎨

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decorated diplocaulus~ 🍒🌈💫

37 151

Paulus Bor
Cydippe with Acontius

15 29

Arte conceptual del toro salusano (sin el aspecto mutante de las precuelas) que mató al Duque Paulus Atreides.

5 32

The Salusan bull that killed Duke Paulus Atreides. Concept art | Christopher Rosewarne

39 416

This is last week's new recruit (prisoner), Aulus. He's a low-ranking mage from Belhalla who wants nothing more to escape to Archanea in shame after failing his mission.

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Died in 1638: Dutch painter (1571-1638)

Portrait of a Girl wearing a Gold Chain, 1623

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Avez vous deja vu...un rongeur avec des cornes? Ceratogaulus hatcheri est la seule espèce connue de rongeur à corne. De la taille d'une marmotte, il vivait en Am. du Nord et a disparu il y a à peu près 5 millions d'années. On ne sait pas vraiment à quoi lui servaient ses cornes.

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A pair of fencers with sideswords from De Arte Athletica of Paulus Hector Mair, published in Augsburg, Germany, 1542.

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