The idea that cats share similar behaviours with autistic people is common enough that there's literally a book called All Cats Are on the Autism Spectrum.

It's a cute little children's book by Kathy Hoopmann that explains autistic behaviours with cats.

41 141

I've recently recovered from a bout of burnout. While I was still posting comics I took a month off from making them.
During these times it's nice to have someone to just press your face into and rest against.

3 34

Flashback Friday: Originally posted August 25th, 2019

Nothing like paranoia to make one's insomnia worse.

3 39

Just a simple change of wording can do so much. I've started telling my partner "you've got nothing to apologize for" and it's actually help them a lot. It removes the onus on them, and relieves them of any stress and/or guilt they may have been holding on to.

20 64

I don't get upset if a difficult game doesn't have an easy mode. I'll just watch someone else play it. What annoys me is when others complain about a game actually having an easy mode. Just let people have fun.

20 68

Flashback Friday: Originally posted April 24th, 2019

The outside world is full of unexpected loud noises. I'd prefer to listen to expected loud noises, like heavy metal music.

19 56

I have reminders on my phone that go off before every time I have to post my comic. Some days it's the only way I remember, even after all this time.

9 69

Flashback Friday: Originally posted August 14th 2019

Don't conflate "young" with "able-bodied". People shouldn't be shamed for their chronic pain.

16 63

There are plenty of hobbies and goals that I've given up on because constantly trying and trying again was taking a massive toll on my mental health. Very rarely have I regretted my decision.

10 59

It's bad enough accidentally making myself sad, but forgetting what it was that made me sad in the first place is just plain irritating.

3 48

Flashback Friday: Originally posted August 11th, 2019

I have been in a romantic relationship for over 10 years. My hatred for romantic movies has remained strong.

3 48

I don't understand people who regularly move their furniture. Once my furniture is where I like it it stays there. My home is my safe space so I like keeping it the same as much as possible.

5 45

I had a "friend" like this for many, many years. They taught me that I wasn't allowed to have needs, so I hid them away.

After cutting them out of my life it took me a long time to relearn that my needs are important, and should be voiced and addressed.

13 53

Just because someone has a corporate mandated smile on their face doesn't mean they aren't dealing with something.

For example, my partner deals with depression, but, much like every other worker, has to hide it away when at work.

12 54

Existing can be pretty tough sometimes, but I just want you to know that your existence is appreciated. Thank you for existing.

21 73

Flashback Friday: Originally posted August 4th, 2019

Wow! This is so much more relevant now than it was when I first posted it! Going outside shoots my anxiety up way more than it used to.

7 33

When I have to work in a group I freeze out of fear that I'll do something wrong and being chastised or mocked for it. It used to be so bad that I couldn't even play video or board games with people.
Doing things on my own though? No problem.

15 55

I have zero interest in being a parent to anything that isn't furry, feathery, or scaly. Although I'll make an exception for hairless cats.

7 60

Flashback Friday: Originally posted July 31st, 2019

I find socializing with friends fun, but it always drains my battery so fast. Thankfully I've found a good way to recharge it.

21 71