berrirako marraztu dudan azala: Dekolonialitatea, mugimendu feministaren erronka. k antolatutako mahai ingurua.

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3 8

Oups, i missed ?
So hey ! I'm Azalais, in waiting for her degree to maybe become a PhD student mainwhile my commissions are open. I mostly do illustrations, so don't hesitate to contact me for a project !

1 6

Recuerda, si tienes un "crop top" en público, eres una "amenaza provocativa". Por favor, procura no retar en momentos carnales ajenos y hazte responsable si tu depredador te agrede por puro descontrol/urgencia...


0 1

de pronto me miras,te miro y suspiras....

en serio, que estas chicas me traen enamoradisima!, abrazala todoroki!

48 423

I never did post the new awesome artwork of Siazala that was done by the amazing wooglet23 on Instagram. So happy with how it turned out.
You can trust her... promise.

11 36

i'm so happy with khazala's evolution

she went from leaving dun morogh to study with the kirin tor and abandoning her tradition as a frostmane

to returning to it and studying in dazar'alor to become the tribe's soothsayer 💙❄

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I haven't drawn Azala in art style has evolved so much since the last time I tried! Look at her! She's such a cutie!

A cutie who could absolutely annihilate me in about half a second, but a cutie nonetheless!

2 6

-rentzat egindako azken azalaren aurrerapena Murrizketak euskararen normalizazioan, Onintza Iruretaren erreportajea.✨

5 12

Thank you LAZALASIBS for drawing he looks so cute and handsome ^^

2 6

I am expiring in the heat and am not clearheaded at all but for better or worse, I think its done.
Fatima Ghazala from The Candle and the Flame

9 50

So I'm just going full on detail overload on this one it seems. Fatima Ghazala from The Candle and the Flame by

28 149

Can we just.. another amazing piece I commissioned from Daynioul of Siazala and Sol'juni. A family that sacrifices together, stay together :P

14 33

AZALA | Konfinamendua gela bakarrean pilatuta pasatzen ari diren familia txiroak.

-ren erreportajea, -en ilustrazioa.

Eta horrez gain...

1 3

Stream Sketch Commission for Lazalaska

0 4

Egunon lagunok, koronabirusa alde batera utzi eta larunbat goizerako irakurgaia proposatu nahi dizuegu.

Zigor Oleagak militantzia ereduei buruz egindako erreportajea sakona.

Hemen artikulu nagusia:

Azala: -ren eskutik.

15 19

Couldn't resist to do my two DnD OCs:
- Azalae - Tiefling Warrior
- Mabel Dawnbringer - Human Cleric

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