Sigo sin creerme que estos 2 Battlers esten dibujados por la misma persona.

Si me dices que las de Pachinko son por alguien tratando de imitar el estilo de Natsumi Kei te la creo un poco mas la verdad.

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Suggest Battlers,
Vote for battlers,
Receive battlers!

Join us today!
Animated Battler Polls

Static Battler Polls

Creature Suggestions!

6 5

The June 2022 Patreon megathread gets two further updates before beginning production of 4-direction map sprites, portraits and animating these four battlers!

Download it today and stay tuned!

6 11

Some more previews of battlers being released over at patreon tonight!

Stay tuned for the animated version to both of these!

6 19
An open statement regarding the Librarium June 2022 battlers to be released tonight and tomorrow,

And the vision and plans for Librarium from this point onwards!

1 6

Right now the catch-up bundle I have been working on sits at 197 battlers, and features some of the best Librarium art we've had to date, and it just couldn't have been possible without the patience of our Patreon community Thank you again!Please look forward to a lot of content!

1 12

everyone else posted their tidbits on the invitational so i guess i will too!! it was an amazing event and all of the hosts and battlers were spectacular! ✨
i never dreamed i’d get as far as third place!! it really made me happy to see everyone cheering too 🥹💕

0 46

I'm considering making my own battlers from scratch, it seems like a daunting task, but I like the look of it so much... 😭

9 23

G➡️M to the outsiders, the battlers and the never say die-ers.

2 15

Since I made the decision to add animated battlers to my game (Wish of the West), I've gotten way better that making them. Here is the most recent one as an example.

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I managed to exercise 5 days a week for the first time in actual years. I got a super basic treadmill with desk thing and just played auto battlers - for 30 miles! Really want to get in better shape. Maybe this is the key.


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fun fact this is the One Custom Thing i drew for Seeking J:USTICE & it was me trying to match the style of the battlers i used

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Hoenn Contest battlers

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Sideview battlers now in development for TinyTales!

4 45

Get ready Battlers! Battle Craze!! EX!!! is coming soon 2025! Here's a preview of our 50th planned character, SHIFT! He's a jack of all trades, master of ALL

21 49

Making some good progress with the animated battlers. 9 actors already have Idle, Defend and Dead poses.
60 Names chosen for each final clothed releases!
Support me over on my itch

14 69

"... devoted and powerful as a team. Where'd they come from and what are they here for? Only time will tell..."

KomusoWoman.EXE and Sagishi Takeshi

A recent for

8 19