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【サークル参加します!!】03月17日(東京)HARU COMIC CITY 32内 BORDERLESS WORLD HARU2024| https://t.co/plUG5NH9Lg

20 51


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1 27

Setor si abang sama mau ngajak 🐄tualan

Yg suka nijien ada yg mau berk🌥?? Agak selektif krn akun ini borderline criminal

0 39



Botanical art.Flower collage,White background,border
周りに美しい花が咲きまして、お祝いごとなどの時に何度もお世話になっております🙇‍♂️💓 https://t.co/b9ZhQyYGSV

13 198

Cabernet can show her financial firepower even in prison

4 45

BORDER、比嘉ミカが1番イケメンかもしれない 立花はちょっとアホ 石川は寝顔が綺麗すぎる…

1 9

1941 Hussar major & Border Guard

101 670

A single bundle of dwellings covered in a pack of snow within a giant pair of orange kanji letters on top of the border.


1 3

1941 Border Guard

요즘 트위터 활동이 많이 뜸해진거 같음😇😇

66 440

BORDERをながら見しています 石川立花が流川タケミチに見えている

4 13

i only miss out on borders HAHA

0 7

A landscape depicting a lady dressed in winter attire and surrounded by snow, as well as a herd of deer, with a giant pair of dark blue kanji letters in the middle of a double-thin border.

1 10

A landscape with diverse blue tones and kanji lettering in the middle of a single border symbolize a large household.

4 14

matchmaking gotta chill the fuck out, can't keep getting masters to challenger in aram like this💀
the border is pretty tho

0 11

I'm genuinely feeling that the peaks of the story are borderline 3rd Semester level from P5R for me.
And the characters as well I'd place in my heart somewhere near Royal's final boss.

0 10