being possessed by an an Angel in Sunsbrooke is almost worse than being possesed by a Baphomet. There is no gradual buildup or warning, if an Angel wants your body, they will take it. The Holy Light that invades every cell and organ leaves most incinerated from the inside.

12 65

i feel like we needed more buildup to lars and sadie breaking up with each other since lars literally had a fucking meltdown over sadie while he was in space

and then they reunited in cym, the movie took place like 2 years later, and then future was like a couple of months later

0 2

once again no buildup when im impatient at least im KINDA staggering this—

💚🖤COMIC✨🖤💚;,feat th uhh ACTUAL Comic & finally at long last new background girl Leuke’s dealio REVEALED (or…mostly at least 😭😏💅🏼) (lmao ocs SORTA? can’t stop me)


3 3

The Kamen America x Black Hops x Soulfinder Crossover is the most recent comic, and one of my favorite at that. 2 years of buildup from three separate series, lead up to this moment. As characters from all 3 series team up to stop a terrorist group's plot.

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3 and a half chapters of buildup to the Yeti Squad

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obv I deliberately made the video the worst possible quality it could be for the goof and gaff of it but here's the actual images as they were drawn (with some bonus doodles when I thought I'd have more of a buildup before the audio started)

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i was like yeah ill draw them kissing *draws only the buildup*

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Having a curse put on you where you become a bubble machine and sometimes you may encounter bubble-jams and you just keep on bloating from the buildup of bubbles at one seethes out your mouth as you just hope all the bubbles shoot out eventually~

5 45

Writing DEMAND
I better not see you lot waste your buildup and payoffs

normally you should balance giving people what they suspect and surprising them

going too far in one direction can make a experience dull or frustrating

A difficult balance but one that would pay off (1/2)

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Apollonia Episode 17 - "My Valkyrie" is now up!

This is a pretty intense buildup to a 3 episode look at the past :)

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Arnold (lizrd chap) has a scar on his snout, along with a few others on his body due to his “job”, Sheer’s shell is cracked due to essentially pressure buildup caused by the Infection

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Starting the conclusion for this arc. I am hyped with all that buildup two volumes had

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Ok, admittedly one of the previous images was a light spoiler. Not like the long long buildup to it hasn’t been attracting all the Murphy’s Law vibes anyways

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I am already loving the buildup so can't imagine the payoff episodes 😭

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I finished Drum Island from One Piece yesterday and thought it was really good! Chopper’s backstory was easily one of the best so far and the conclusion to the arc was the most poetic. It seems like I’m heading into the biggest arc (in terms of buildup) yet so I’m super excited!

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art hasn't been happening lately because my pen has Bad Drawings Buildup, as seen in this diagram. hopefully I will get thru the trash soo

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"A lot of this story is a buildup of Ryousuke realizing that he — and queer people in general — deserve love, and not at the expense of themselves."

My "Until I Meet My Husband" review is now available to our patrons!

5 14

Finished Hakomari
The buildup for Maria's story was already insane
Her & Aya's story about being needed was so good
Kazuki Best Simp in fiction easily
Wrapping up for Entire cast with Epilogues was good way to end it

4 36

this song is so good like wtf…the buildup??

8 125

First attempt sculpting in ZBrush! I was listening to the webinar with .

Key take aways for me:
• How to navigate
• Key brushes – Standard, DamStandard, ClayBuildup
• Masking
• Insert objects via IMMPrimitives brush (spheres)

I’m in ♥️

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