Every frame in BvS is like a painting. Just beautiful

133 1049

Don't worry, WB made PLENTY of money off of BvS.😂🤣 What you really wanted to tweet, is that a World's Finest movie would've been a more enjoyable premise for you. https://t.co/oFlBOTD3Ez

1 1

One of the BvS prequel comics includes a whole bit that exists solely to mock the “SupErMan DeStRoYeD aN EnTiRe ciTy” crowd 💀💀💀

52 214

ザックがザックとして『Teen Titans Go!』の出演に、背景にはBvSが、ワーナーと完全決別した訳ではないという事実は嬉しい。


0 3

decided to take a break from drawing the best batman today... here's a silly, goofy sketch of bvs batman

24 159

Referencia a Moby Dick en BvS donde Batman (Ahab) intenta capitanear el "White Portuguese" con Kriptonita y hace una (lanza) para vengarce de Superman (la ballena)

Zack genio👏👏👏👏

8 26

The DCEU trinity looked too epic and cool in this BvS concept art

291 2717

“I failed you”

( I drew this because I have been rewatching again and again and again and again and again...)

36 166


4 16


0 5

? I love BvS UE, that's why I put it in there, even if you don't like it you can't deny the fact that its cinematography is great. 🤷🏽‍♂️

0 11

I really digged the Taskmaster suit when black widow movie was annoced*but after a closer look i hate it and wished they brought the same design team that did BvS cause it wouldn't have those stupid marvel lines plus i realized it wasn't as good nor wasn't the color

0 16

ok so imagine that one riamu yumemi ssr but its bvs lex luthor (obviously traced)

3 4

Para mí serían estas:
-El hijo de la Máscara
-Raya y el último dragón
-Artemis Fowl. https://t.co/2skYLTbNav

1 5

Son Of Krypton vs Bat Of Gotham
BvS is a misunderstood masterpiece.

39 95

Lyle Cruse finally does a Batfleck art. Waiting for ZSJL's Batman

18 95


0 4

Snyder and Terrio's the only hope from the first time they showed Bruce and Diana together in BvS I had hope. Unwavering hope because even if Snyder's plan didn't have it at first Terrio would help guide the story to the logical WWxB conclusion

0 1

Zack Snyder influenced comic books

Batman: The Devastator(2017) BvS(2016)

192 1359

BvS still one of the WORTS movie I've ever seen. I saw the "ultimate" edition but it didn't repair anything in the movie:
-There are fillers scenes in the movie
-Batman is an hypocrite and didn't have any develop
-Superman's Death was the worst part of it.
Marvel did better with: https://t.co/Z9sj9dI9dm

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