Say BOO to my new Babyghosts👻

Thanks team
for these cuties and the awesome spooktacular april❤

I'm going to stake them right now because stacking is live🚨

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Thanks Team for my new BabyGhost😍
Spooktacular April event was so fun!
LFG Babyghost fam ❤️🚀🚀🚀

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Todays Feature starts with this

This Vampire Dr/Nurse enjoys taking peoples blood, but keeps it for himself!


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The third Feature today

This ghost is ready for the summer parties wearing his finest swimsuit


Join our 👇🏼

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The first Feature today

This pirate scrapped his ship for a jetpack because he wants to reach to moon


Join our 👇🏼

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Our next Feature of the week

This Baby Ghost dons her Cat Ears while running around screaming at everyone!


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Being a holder is a gift that keeps on giving 👻 Once again I was awarded smth special for my fan art work. Can't wait to share pics when the reward arrives...


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Todays second is…

This is donning his Orange Ghost Puffer Jacket and his Blue Bandana, people often mistake it as a gang member.

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Our third and final of the day is…

This is donning a super cool Red Jacket, a bit like the ones wears.

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Todays first feature on is…

I wouldn’t trust this Chef serving my food, it’s a vampire and you never know what the meat will be!

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The number 3 feature today on our is….

This is angry due to it losing its clothes during a party!!

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The second of the day is…

Featuring this is wearing its Kamikaze Headband worn while escaping from Prison

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The second today is from…..

This features the Round Glasses trait which there are only 50 in the collection of 10k 👀👀

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