画質 高画質

Baizhu in the web event is probably a fairy. I believe he is about the size of a small thumb.
He is a sickly and impotent fairy who has been caught by a dangerous doctor.
Poor thing, trapped in a cup. 🥹

101 542


1072 6220

Hi, player ini sedang mencari kawanbabu untuk menemani masa-masa sulit di tevyat. I don't have any pronouns, 23+ (legal age), Klee main and Baizhu enthu. I hope this message interests you, so leave your trace and I will hit you up.

*Ps. Paling suka digendong kalau (cont..)

0 3

tehe! guys mau liat build baizhu non sign kalian dong, makasih!

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3868 24870

babu! mau nanyaa, sender boleh tau itu kenapa baizhu belom dapet bday art? maaf sender baru nyemplung pergenshinan

0 6

The Baizhu one was actually in April since my previous works were comics 😭

Literally haven’t improved at all 🤡🤡🤡 https://t.co/seNhvQFw6z

4 29

I see them as a family, but some people may not see Baizhu and Qiqi as father and daughter, or Baizhu as a father figure.
I understand that there are those opinions. In the game story, they have very few conversational interactions that are family like Albedo and Klee.

29 233

a Hu Tao suplexing a Baizhu
bribed by a
thank you very much ~ 💝
(and happ birthday to ye)

8 40

Babu! Bener juga ya, playable male liyue semuanya dimunculin pas 1.0 (termasuk baizhu).

Sc : facebook

32 404

babu! tanyaa dong, ttg build baizhu buat support dendro reaction. signifikan banget kah buat ngumpulin hpnya sampe 50k? atau lebih efektif buat nyari ernya juga (berkorban hp)? hp baizhu yang "decent" itu kira2 berapa yaa? makasih sebelumnyaa 🙏

0 1

tehe! numpang curhat… sender nangis gak bisa bawa baizhu pulang. kena spook pity tinggi, sekarang juga belum ada tanda tanda emas. semoga sender bisa segera ikhlas :”)

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