No matter how you feel today:

➡️ Get up.
➡️ Confirm you are on the “right” side of the grass.
➡️ Dress for the day.
➡️ Show up.

And NEVER EVER give up.

“Sound your barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.” -WW

The 🍌🐀has spoken.

11 18

The Banana Rat went on a bender last night after the fiasco.

Must have been I good one, woke up taped to the wall. Dodge and weave, baby. Dodge and weave.

The 🍌🐀 & Jimmy the Monkey were here.

17 76

Did anyone else notice the trend that DNA2 is turning our Clones into High-End Merchandise in some cases?🤔🤔🤔

The🍌🐀has spoken.

26 107

The 🍌🐀’s “Men” in Black:

We are the best kept secret in Gutter City. We monitor, licence and “police” all Cat activity in the Gutter. We're your first, last, and only line of defense. We live in secret, we exist in shadow.”

Long live the 🍌🐀!!!

0 12

Shoutout to for the great BananaRat render.

The 🍌🐀 was here.

0 2

The Evolution of the Banana Rat…

Stage 6. What comes next? I am not sure. What do you think is next?

Until then the Rat Pack Rides…
The 🍌🐀 was here.

1 7

The Evolution of the Banana Rat…

Stage 2. Petra sires “The Banana Rat”.
A mint for Gutter Cat holders.

The 🍌🐀 was here.

3 13

The Rat Pack Rides at Dawn…
Gang Gang

The 🍌🐀 has spoken.

2 6

“One Rat to rule them all, One Cat to find Him, One🍌banana🍌 to bring them all, and in the Gutter bind them.” 
- Prophecies of the 🍌🐀

0 1

Rat Pack 🚀🚀🌖
He came from the cold white North!!!
$Gang $Gang
The 🍌🐀 was here.

0 1

Rat Pack 🚀🌖
The Undertaker is present!!!
$Gang $Gang
The 🍌🐀 was here.

0 0

Rat Pack 🚀🌖
Help my lawyer needs a lawyer
The 🍌🐀 was here.

0 0

Cash flow, Cash flow, Cash flow!!!

Most chase profit. But profit is is not possible if you run out of gas half way to your destination. Cash flow is the life blood of your operation.

The 🍌🐀 has spoken.

2 5

“If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him....maybe you can hire The 🍌🐀.

The 🍌🐀 has spoken

1 5

2 Genesis Golfers give off vibes IMO...
8bit Tee Time Golfer 323 & 8bit Tee Time Golfer 250 ( - your thoughts?)

Priced low (.018) to help onboard Golfers to Web3 and Gen1 Golfers get you Free Airdrops from different Web3 Artists.

0 0

“Banks shall weep and Government’s quail as the nations of the earth are assimilated like the Borg. Yet one shall be born to face the Darkness.”
- Origin Unknown

The 🍌🐀 was here.

0 1

Tales from the Gutter…

Mary had a little lamb.
Her Father shot it dead.
Now it goes to school with her.
Between two hunks of bread.

The untold story of Mary’s little lamb.

Now you know the rest of the story…

The 🍌🐀 has spoken.

2 10