Angel of Death / Marc Fishman, 1971

Zaman hüküm sürüyor; gene başladı zorba yönetimine. Sanki bir öküzmüşüm gibi sopasının iğnesiyle itiyor beni: “Deh, deh be eşşek! Terle bakalım, tutsak! Yaşa bakalım, cehennemlik!”

- Baudelaire, Paris Sıkıntısı

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Carlos Schwabe (Swiss 1866-1926) L'âme du vin (The soul of wine), 1900. He was a Symbolist painter and one of the most important symbolist book illustrators. He illustrated books by Émile Zola, Charles Baudelaire, Maurice Maeterlinck, and Albert Samain.

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“Isn't it true that a pleasant house makes winter more poetic, and doesn't winter add to the poetry of a house?”
- Charles Baudelaire, Artificial Paradises

-Aykut Aydogdu-

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Wonderful bookcovers: Charles Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du MaL & Voyages Extraordinairies...

156 184

Baudelaire, Rushdie, Hemingway : galerie d'écrivains, haute en couleur

16 6

My heart is lost; the beasts have eaten it.

― Charles Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal

7 9

'Always be a poet, even in prose.'

·Les Fleurs du mal, Charles Baudelaire, (1857-58)*

103 137

The Fascinating Self-Portraits of Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Baudelaire, Sylvia Plath, and Charles Bukowski*

60 57