To enter:
✔️ RT + Follow myself ,, and .

Feel free to join the Discord (https://t.co/KcBgbX6X4Y), we'd love to have you!

Winner will be announced on Twitter on Thursday 9/30 at 9pm! Best of Luck :)

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Character belongs to thebirdgang

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Back with some more Tekken grinding and possibly some Strive labbing later. Come hang out!


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African Hawk Eagle
Fairly quiet, but occasionally utters a distinctive melodious “klooeee”.

Drawing by

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amy (TheBirdGang)
galeem interpretation (clausbook)

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yofavsPHONE is now live as my first emote. Shoutouts to (and birdgang) for being a god and sending me this masterpiece

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Wir haben euch ja versprochen wir haben da was für euch vorbereitet😊 Wir sagen Danke zu 500 Followern auf Twitter. Alles weitere erfahrt ihr auf den Bildern. Wir wünschen viel Glück

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