Nagahiro Sakaguchi, also known as "Nagahiro the Orator" and member of the Pretty Boy Detective Club. He has a beautiful voice and has been the president of the student council for three consecutive years!

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Michiru Fukuroi, also known as "Michiru the Epicure" and member of the Pretty Boy Detective Club. Delinquent on the outside but also a good cook with a kind heart!

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Bishounen Tantei,,, I'm excited for it, Nisio Isin is one of my fav light novel authors and I'm ready for another one of their works to be animated i hope people love it as much as the Monogatari series also the cast is 😳👉👈

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Se reveló la 1ra imagen promocional para la adaptación animada de las novelas ligeras Se estrenará en el 2021 en Japón.

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