Day 4 !
My Bloomsona Kaira! Pov she finally try that FFXIV game that Toasty has been shrilling to her since forever. The gamer gang playing FFXIV together moment

7 40

Day 3!
A BIT LATE. But here he is my favorite char from the novel!, Damien!! Tbh i rly like his aesthetic...

17 66

day 3 - fav webnovel chara
lola . lola shut up . lola youre hitting too close to home rn . lola SHUT IT !!!

20 67

Big lady designnn..... eats it

12 81

3. Bloomtober prompt: my fav webnovel character💙 (Damien)

(Challenge by @/Cerulean_Codes)

6 32

Day 2 of
Today is my favorite side character!!! Big Lady beloved!!!!! (i made this based on her icon)

8 33

I had fun teasing him more than I should

12 37

Happy Bloomtober day 2!! Favorite side character teehee mr onion

8 27

day 2 - fav side chara
fun fact: i have a headcanon that her real name is juno :>

9 34

Day One of
Usually I don't do those things but I decided to try this year.
Here's my favorite LI!! Xyx!
but y'know... I love everyone🥰

9 40

1. [ Fave LI ]

toasty doodle while reading orv earlier at 5am and panicking over why i didnt make our essay yet when the deadline is getting nearer kjnsjsjsniwjwjskwwhnsbsjhs

9 30

Days 29-31, the Final batch!!
Maple, Joshua Tree, Rafflesia
(Rafflesia was also not on the list since it only went to 30, so to fill that i added an appropriate scary flower for the holiday 🎃)

7 46

Days 25-28!
Poinsettia, Sakura, Fuschia, Bluebell
(Disclaimer: Poinsettia wasnt actually on the list, however i felt the original day 25 was too similar to a flower i already did so i chose my own 🤷🏼)

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