Someone is having a bad day
[BnF, Fr. 1537, 16th c.]

82 336

That Monday feeling
[BnF, Latin 9474, 16th c.]

149 599

Some just love to burn in Hell
[BnF, Latin 8878, 11th c.]

130 377

A Strange encounter: St Anthony and the satyr
[BnF, Fr. 2810, 15th c.]

111 366

When your pet is out of control
[BnF, Latin 920, 15th c.]

867 2160

All saints, Hours of Louis de Laval, France ca. 1480 (BnF, Latin 920, fols. 180r, 181r, 182r)

601 1025

The Sun
[BnF, Fr. 50, 15th c.]

162 380

Angel convention at Central Head Quarters.

BnF, Français 50 (Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum Historiale)

29 80

Really enjoying my holiday so far
[BnF, Fr. 9585]

97 274

1340년경 러트렐 시편 여백의 회전숫돌로 칼 가는 사람들.Add MS 42130 f171v /중세 후반에는 페달을 밟아 숫돌을 회전시키는 식으로 개량됐다 BnF, Arsenal. Est. 264 <파리의 외침>(1500)

37 23

And now a brief musical interlude
[BnF, Fr. 1654]

151 335

Animal geometry, Beatus of Liébana, Commentaria in Apocalypsin (‘Beatus of Saint-Sever’), St-Sever before 1072 (BnF, Latin 8878, fol. 138r)

64 103

Doghead king, compilation of the travel writings, Paris 1410-1412 (BnF, Français 2810, fol. 106r)

72 116

Reflecting on 2016
BnF, Latin 6749A, 14th c.

135 188

Charites, Évrart de Conty, Les Échecs amoureux, France 1496-1498 (BnF, Français 143, fol. 36v)

32 50

Mandragora, Tacuinum sanitatis, Rhineland 15th century (BnF, Latin 9333, fol. 37r)

38 65

Medieval Chewbacca.😂
Le Livre du cuer d'amours espris. BNF, Département des ms, Français 1509, f.8r, 15th century.

42 59

Hares, Gaston Phoebus, Livre de la chasse, Avignon ca. 1375-1400 (BnF, Français 619, fol. 12v)

50 73

Belle Nativité de Maître Jacques Gauvain à de 1517 à 1547, burin, BnF, dépt Estampes,

8 8

Constellation Cygnus, Fazio degli Uberti, II Dittamondo, Milan ca. 1447 (BnF, Italien 81, fol. 175r)

13 25