Press Release for its new report on protests, documenting arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance, torture and other ill-treatment, and flagrant breaches of the right to a fair trial.

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Security Breach would be so much higher if we got actual renders instead of just artwork (and if scott could keep control over his own security breaches lol)

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Summer Yu senpai. I feel like I been drawing breaches alot this summer.

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Its body is full of spatio-temporal breaches.

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The Dolphin Pokemon (Water/Normal)

Toddelot spend a lot of time in shallower waters near the coast to practice their swimming
Upon evolving, Olymphica rivals Sharpedo in speed and strength, able to spin and twirl when it breaches the water

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Don't be an idiot this weekend... a spike in Level 3 Lockdown breaches could well jeopardise all the hard work put into containing the virus. Cartoon in fabulous print in today's Weekend Herald and premium online here..

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Only Tiefling I've ever Played as was Edwig Dritch, my Horizon Walker Ranger who basically travels with her Eldritch Octopus Familiar investigating otherworldly breaches from other planes. She's become a reoccurring character in my other games.

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Dragon Age: Inquisition turns 5 today, originally releasing on this date in 2014. After an explosion destroys the Conclave and leaves breaches in the Veil, a lone survivor re-establishes the Inquisition -- an ancient order formed to defend against the dangers of magic and demons.

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No. 015: Beedrill

This Pokémon jabs at anything that breaches onto its territory using the large stingers on its forelimbs and abdomen. While its arms move the quickest, the stinger on their tail secretes the most potent venom. Play it safe and avoid their nests.

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Tau Fire caste warrior looks on in horror (?) as a space marine breaches the overwatch lines and comes in for melee

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Ground shark dragon thing I like to imagine that it breaches the dunes after prey like great whites do

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AREA X : UPDATE - Page 8 Flats almost complete. Panel Detail- MATRIARCH JOY reassures a pensive PONTIFF ROBERT FERRIS as 'The Last Faithful Cargo' breaches for the SCAPE ! EOM...

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Could you please clarify how this image breaches the following policy

- Clothing that provides excessively tight, or minimal coverage of breasts, buttocks, or genitalia
- Sexually suggestive poses
- Disproportionately large breasts, buttocks, or genitals

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. we call on you to immediately launch a full investigation into the ethical breaches of Trump and his family.

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