Today is This year’s theme is Our partners at are holding an event tomorrow 10am - 2pm at their Welcome Centre in Cheetham Hill. Check their twitter account for more details

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Today, we celebrate all the fantastic female characters throughout Resident Evil's history.

Who's your favourite??

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🥖🌹 여성의 날을 맞아 교보문고에서 진행하는 토트백 굿즈 증정 이벤트에 도 참여합니다!
편견을 부수는 버튼을 클릭하시면 확인하실수 있어요 🥰


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Happy ladies! ✊💖

This year's theme is a reminder for us to promote a world free of discrimination and stereotypes. Together, let’s celebrate diversity and a gender equal world.

In what ways can we ? 💭

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맞이 리디북스 전자책 대여전!🙌

'편견을 깨라'는 뜻의 는 2022년 세계여성의날 캠페인 주제입니다. 오늘을 기념하며 함께 읽기 좋은 황금가지 책들도 리디북스에서 대여전에 함께 참여 중이랍니다. 쿠폰을 활용해 다양하게 빌려 보세요!📚

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Happy International Women's Day to all women and girls around the world. Together, let's break the stereotypes of what women "should" look like and celebrate the diversity of our lived experiences.

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Break The Bias

A world without prejudice, stereotypes, or discrimination. A world that is diverse, fair, and welcoming and where diversity is cherished and celebrated.

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As we go about to let us not forget that:
1. Women for Women is Powerful.
2. Biases begin with Us.
3. Together we are Stronger!
4. Speak out, Share & Support.
5. Let be not Sporadic.

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Celebrating with Interstice. This month, may we celebrate women’s strength and innate qualities of empathy, kindness, integrity and more. May we continue to empower and lift each other up ✊💖

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Calling all my girls!! 🖤 Join me as we suit up to support the World of Women auction at Christie's coming up on March 1.

This auction marks a huge milestone for inclusivity, and the incredible future of web3.

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Looking forward to hearing from in our upcoming event. Vicky is a event organiser and diversity in tech advocate in her spare time, and currently is working as the Community Lead (Tech Mystic) at Yard.

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