Goodnight, every Picture spam tomorrow, hopefully! :) Love you all~ <3 Have some Crenair art. :3

2 6

Good morning, every Hope you all have a wonderful day~

4 7

Goodnight, every I'll leave you all with a pic while I go to bed~ Have a fabulous Fluttershy Friday! <3

1 3

Goodnight, every Luna bless you all~ <3 :) xx

1 5

Good morning, every I have to go to school now, so have a Vinyl Scratch~

4 5

Okie Dokie! I woke up, and now I have to go. Bye, every I'll leave you with a Fluttershy! ^^

2 4

Be back later, every I have lessons. Be back in two hours~~

1 1

Have a humanized Derpy Hooves, every :3

1 1

Goodnight, every Luna bless. <3 Have a pic. :) xx

1 1

Here, have one more, every :D Possibly for Keep Calm and Flutter On...? :3

4 1

Good morning every Schoollll..... D: Pic unrelated.

2 2

Goodnight every Don't let the parasprites and haters bite! :)

2 2

Have one more Fluttershy, every :3

4 3

Have a Fluttershy, every :3 Woohoo~

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Happy every :D Don't forget to drop the bass! :DDD

2 8

Happy 670th tweet. XD Have some d'awww, every :3

3 3

One more, to make up for not tweeting. I love you, every Goodnight! ^^

1 1

Okay, every Goodnight~ Luna bless you all. :) xx

2 0

Mmm....last one for a long, LONG, while. Sorry, every D:

1 2

Have a Twilight Sparkle every You still love me, right? :3

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