In some way Dazai finally succeeded in committing his symbolic lovers' double suicide with Chuuya in BTA,in official they are always lying down together so it was time to stop denying Chuuya is the only person Dazai wants by his side when dying ^^

12 78

Chuuya Special iconic angry flying kick Anti-shitty Dazai because in any kind of universe Dazai just can't help to tease Chuuya and Chuuya just can't help to lose his temper even if he misses each time,the main core of their funny duo comedy show

2 25

BTA episode 4 had me totally giggling of happiness,so much adorable lovely Chuuya,our chibi hatrack can't get any cuter ^^

4 36

Redraw danshi koukousei no nichijou but Bunal Buraiha
I love them ✨ also...a little but of Chuango

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou x BungouToAlchemist

[文豪とアルケミスト] [Buraiha] [男子高校生の日常]

63 119

happy birthday to 中原中也!!!!✨✨✨👏👏

2 7

Odasaku and Ango just can't leave Dazai alone ✨

[ Buraiha ] [ 文豪ストレイドッグス ] [ Bungo Stray Dogs ] [ 文豪とアルケミスト ] [ BungouToAlchemist ]

264 618

Se cambiaron los papeles arrechamente 👀💦
Premio doble pues 💞

PD: ¡Sigo sin entender como Atsushi logro cautivarme en ambos animes!

7 22

Дазай: *жалуется Акутагаве, не зная на тот момент его имени* Эх, всё бы отдал, чтобы получить премию Акутагавы!

А: *недолго думая, нежно чмокает Дазая* А как насчет поцелуя от Акутагавы?

Д: ...

Д: 😳😳😳

А: *хитрая моська*

4 40