you got butthurt over OPs opinion which doesnt even directly pertain to you so your first instinct is to make fun of their fundraiser... and YOURE supposed to be a rational adult??

1 14

Here’s my OC cast! In particular, April, an Autistic girl (shh self-indulgence) Isekai’d to fill the role of The Demon King/Queen (JRPG BBEG), and Horizon, who thought he was gonna be The Hero, until that turned out to be another Isekai’d character (he’s a bit butthurt about it)

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The Infinite and The Divine:

A multiple millennia spanning pissing contest between two butthurt sentient soulless elderly machines over a pretty box with a puzzle and a planet it leads to.

More 40k.

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Today is the anniversary of the butthurt

I drew this around the time that happened.

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So I may have not put what I said last time on this repost, sorry to anybody that got butthurt over it.

23 25

*AHEM* "Um, Dyezen... stick to after effects"
(still butthurt from yesterday's stream 😂)

0 1

It's hilarious watching events in Virginia. The right was so butthurt when Trump lost, claiming a rigged election... if the left pulls that now, it'll be everything coming full circle.

0 0

Yeah, I don't really care because I'm just here for the art tbh

As long as you aren't committing any actual crimes over there, feel free to ignore the Twitter outrage mob as they'll move onto something else to be butthurt about eventually.

You'll outlive most of them anyway.

0 1

A Swain meme that came out of a convo with a friend of mine about Swain trying to conquer Ionia AGAIN because who knows why (he's butthurt probably).

9 23

Maybe they'd be less butthurt of they ate some Pancakes.

0 13

Correction * "Butthurt Caryl Shippers"

0 1

Lol atleast you had fun~ the butthurt thing does relate to the hip swaying though.

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this dude started a series of events that spanned three games and ended with a girl getting exorcised in a court of law just because he was mad butthurt about getting called out once

11 206

Bro idek Twitter be so butthurt these days I can never see if something a joke no more

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"Oh, you need healing? White Mage is a DPS job, so don't greed or go ask the Astro"

Don't think I ever properly uploaded this!

(I don't actually do this, it's just a fun meme so save the butthurt commentary)

Art by !

29 161

Art by
After seeing how many butthurt conservatives were getting over this, I just had to jump in an support the artist.

Anyway, bash the fash.

11 45

The fact that you can't just impeach someone because you're mad butthurt?

0 0

Nuke youre a piece of shit.

This is a test post to show cherrybloom how fun twitter can be besides the cringe and butthurts.
I attach a retarded picture.
Love, princess pisstool,

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