Expedition Log 4
Bit of a more personal one today. My grandpa passed in 2014. He was the smartest man I knew. A wise old owl. So when I saw The Witch Owl I knew the story I wanted to write. Enjoy! ❤️

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Acorns are what keep the creatures hustlin' & Bustlin'. its the currency that fuels life in . Follows us on discord for all the information on the and how you can earn passive income. https://t.co/mDtVSRxUuO

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A few Bunny Birds are out in the wild and up for grabs!

Collect this amazing creature and many more at https://t.co/wYwISPQdsM

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Going back a few weeks to the "Velociraptor Interleukin" completed as a part of documenting his journey through Carkayous!

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More concepting for the upcoming app that and I are creating:)

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