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「TENKUU」 今もどかで人知れず空をさまよう忘れ去られた空にうかぶ島。その上に立つ巨大な建造物。その情景を切り取りまとめたイラスト集。
サークル:サイレント スペース:月曜・東j28-a

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★コミケ104 新刊紹介
サークル:サイレント スペース:月曜・東j28-a

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pleased to announce that I had the opportunity to make an illustration for the niigo anthology vol.2 『二夜、明日へ紡ぐメロディ』!

The book will be sold at the Summer Comiket (C104) !! Here is a preview of my piece! Info for mail orders is linked below !!

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Comiket104/2日目(8/12月)「BlackDwarf(h-02a)」のお品書きです(ーvー https://t.co/4PAIadFoHY

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OPEN PO Comiket104 Nijisanji EN Enna Alouette Fanart & Works Vol.2 - 520 platonically 123! by KT/KT.

💰Book Only 380K
💰Goods Set 890K
✨Sudah bersih INA

💰DP 50% OK!
🛒Detail in replies!
💳Pelunasan ijo/oren available

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【🔔Comiket/ コミケのお知らせ!! 】

▼出展作品/ Our Exhibited Works

・アクリルスタンド/ Acrylic stand
・アクリルキーホルダー/ Acrylic Keychain
・B4タペストリー/ B4 Size Tapestry


◇BOOTH/ Online Shop

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Comiket104新刊「the Silent Barbarian the unopened gate」の予約が始まりました。 "the Silent Barbarian the unopened gate" as the new comic for Comiket104, it’s available to preorder it on MelonBooks and AliceBooks.
Melon: https://t.co/wXppBU7iqz
Alice: https://t.co/NVETZOebjQ

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This is a poster planned to be used for Comiket 104.

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The artwork I prepared for ‘s “slosh” that will be available in Comiket104 this August!

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The progress of the new comic for Comiket104(for my supporters 支援者限定)|piyotycho|pixivFANBOX https://t.co/jYFgLr8t2m

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コミケとSacAnime Summerの準備に追われて低浮上ですが生きてます…!がんばります!

I've been busy preparing for Comiket and SacAnime Summer and haven't posted much recently, but I'm alive! I'll do my best!

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Art studies and talking updates about my art books (Comiket 104 new books and Reflection 2) 👀
🔴Twitch (streams)➔ https://t.co/B0mfso7Vok
📺YT (clips/shorts)➔ https://t.co/BZu15yadjS
🛒 Artbook & Merch ➔ https://t.co/QrO06C44bO

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unleashing my inner toba-sensei tonight.

(a little drawing for comiket book)

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Very important question:
I am going to sell a tapestry in the upcoming Comiket. Please help me choose which one to print!
(The poll is in the comment.)

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I was gonna draw another 1koma but I have to work on my comiket book. So have a MafuWIP.

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◎貴方のサークル「kamaniki」は、日曜日 東地区 “ノ” ブロック 40a に配置されました。https://t.co/vLezulhCUy

I got into Summer Comiket!! Not sure if I can go but I'll do my best lol

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月曜日 東地区 “R” ブロック 16b に配置されました。
This is my first time getting my own circle for Comiket.
I will do my best.

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