Good morning!! GM GM ♥️🔥 have a wonderful thursday - only two more days to the weekend - hype it up!! :)

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[Craftwork ハンドメイド] Ayase Eli(絢瀬絵里)

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Hey , I couldn't decide which 1 i preferred so i sent both🙏 Really excited to be a part of this process🔥

All the artwork is Dope.

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To find focus and calm, try working with your hands.

Today we have an essay from novelist Dan Sheehan, discussing the power of craftwork and making things with your hands as a portal into meditation and calm.

For The Distance
AD Erin Culliney

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腐った果実‐Rotten Fruit-おしまい 古き良きあの頃のえろげだー!!!30分程で読める短編フリゲ クリア後そのまま2週目を始めて、2週目はかみしめるように読みました CRAFTWORKの新作も楽しみにしてます

3 13

Well, this is too hot for Social Media: Ayaka Kagari - Nude Outfit, Who Dis? See it all at

Thanks so much to the commissioner!

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と!言う訳で 様のプレゼント企画で夫氏が当選!!

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🗨️ Women In Comics Collective hosts educational and professional events across the U.S. highlighting the merit and craftwork of marginalized people, 🏳️‍🌈especially women and Queer folx of... 👉 See more

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🏳️‍🌈 Women In Comics Collective hosts educational and professional events 🗨️ across the U.S. highlighting the merit and craftwork of marginalized people, especially women and Queer folx of... 👉 See more

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🏳️‍🌈 Women In Comics Collective hosts educational and professional events across the U.S. 🗨️ highlighting the merit and craftwork of marginalized people, especially women and Queer folx of... 👉 See more

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🏳️‍🌈 Women In Comics Collective hosts educational and professional events across the U.S. 🗨️ highlighting the merit and craftwork of marginalized people, especially women and Queer folx of... 👉 See more

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🏳️‍🌈 Women In Comics Collective hosts educational and professional events across the U.S. 🗨️ highlighting the merit and craftwork of marginalized people, especially women and Queer folx of... 👉 See more

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El manga de Ryuu Mizunagi, concluirá con su volumen recopilatorio N° 17, según fue anunciado en el volumen N° 16 publicado el día de hoy en Japón.

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🏳️‍🌈 Women In Comics Collective hosts educational and professional events across the U.S. 🗨️ highlighting the merit and craftwork of marginalized people, especially women and Queer folx of... 👉 See more

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ในที่สุดก็สำเร็จ ชิ้นที่สองของปี😂
อยากปักบ่อยๆ แต่ก็ขี้เกียจ 😅😅😅
นอนตี2 มาสามวัน ทำเพลินปักไปฟังสเปซไป ลืมเวลา..เลยนอนกลางวันมา 3 วันแล้วเหมือนกัน ทั้งที่ปกติไม่นอน
ปักเสร็จแล้วแต่ไม่รู้จะทำอะไรต่อ 😅
ขอบคุณ Fanart จาก @ caramaew

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