flash cs4 celine but with shitty colors lmoaoa

277 3739

【デュエルマスターズ】第76回ファンクスCS4位 成長モモキング SaβoRiさん

7 30

Always liked her CS4 S-Craft portrait!

0 3

【デュエルマスターズ】デュエマYCS in 遊ING熊本上通店CS4位 赤緑アポロヌス ちゅーさん。さん

3 25

What's this!? Lucky Josette getting a sweet kiss from Estelle huhuhu.
Here is a commission for of this sweet scene. Please also check out their art as well!

22 56

An aspect of CS4's writing I really enjoyed is that they could have tried to say that Ash did nothing wrong and it was all on the curse

and he himself COMPLETELY rejects that, and fights any idea of taking away his responsibility to atonement

1 2

I tried out Adobe CS4. Love the brush but I am NOT used to not be able to Ctrl+Scroll to zoom. lol

2 5

【デュエルマスターズ】竜星の嵐CS4位 デアリアバク墓地ソース くつしたさん

4 20

【デュエルマスターズ】第6回フルコンプ大阪日本橋店デュエマCS4位 赤緑アポロヌス メシアカリバーさん

5 20

The year is 2009, you’re using your freshly cracked copy of Photoshop CS4 and you’re more than ready to post your art on your favourite art website.

I was surprised at the performance of Photoshop CS4 in this old Mid 2009 MacBook Pro.

0 1

Osborne is one of the most imposing and threatening villains I've seen in a game. He's set up flawlessly in 3rd and Azure, and I was beyond hyped to have him as a main villain.

Unfortunately, I don't think they nailed the landing, especially in CS4, but still.

0 1

So I got Macromedia flash 8 today,
Might go from Flash CS4 to Macromedia flash 8..
I like the lines in Macromedia flash 8 better, more smooth

0 8

(Yes, I've played the entire series up to CS4.) https://t.co/8u7mo6YcIl

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Duvalie is such a fun character. I feel like she brings an energy to Ouroboros that was sorely missing.

She's mostly a joke in CS2, and she feels pretty tacked-on to the playable cast of CS4, she still endeared herself to me really quickly at the tail end of CS4.

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Alfin is such a sweetheart, and I love seeing her relationships with her brothers shift and grow. I was always happy to see her, even if I fucking hate Elise.

She's got a fun role in CS2, and I love her lute bonding event in CS4 as well. She cares so much for Alster 🥺

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ash pouting because they get to drink and he can't lmao

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