Besides that, I was contacted by Celsys for permission to use my comic from 2019 contest as promotional material, life is certainly good this morning.

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On ANIMATIONWorld: OLM Asia Launches New Pokémon Animation Series with the Help of Celsys’ Clip Studio Paint: OLM’s 2017 Malaysian studio expansion provides a new pool of talented artists they can quickly and efficiently train on the digital paint tools…

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Thank GOD and Celsys for Clip Studio Paint symmetry rulers 'cause work today demanded some elaborate patterns

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健屋イラストのポーズはこれ。みっちり2時間かけた。知らなかったけど、今のCLIP STUDIO PAINTは写真から3Dモデル作れるのね(ポーズスキャナー機能)。低価格なのにどんどん機能増やしてくれるのは本当に有難い。ありがとうCELSYS様。

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Obrigado Graphixly, Wacom e Celsys pelo convite.

Pra quem quiser conhecer um pouco mais sobre o que Eu faço e Como Eu faço:

- Meu Portifólio

- Canal do Youtube

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On ANIMATIONWorld: OLM Asia Launches New Pokémon Animation Series with the Help of Celsys’ Clip Studio Paint: OLM’s 2017 Malaysian studio expansion provides a new pool of talented artists they can quickly and efficiently train on the digital paint tools…

15 33

On ANIMATIONWorld: Clip Studio Paint Captures Hand-Drawn ‘Feel’ for Artists and Animators: Celsys’ all-in-one paint tool provides intuitive, customizable features that help transfer an artist’s touch to their graphic design, manga/comics, animation or…

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爆速でクリスタに集中線を配置する方法をブログに書いてみました(*‘ω‘ *)


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Need a fairytale-ish read?

This work won bronze on International Comic/Manga contest from Celsys this year. I'm a self-taught artist. Believe in yourself ☀️

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rkgk 響子さん

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Participated in the Clip Studio Paint illustration Contest at the very last minute, but I had a lot of fun doing it!Ended up making something that was more interactive as well: the drawing can be viewed in three different ways.

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Otra de las viñetas del comic que hice el verano pasado encargado por Celsys para la web de Clip Studio Paint. Fueron solo 2 páginas pero me sentó muy bien volver a hacer comic.

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Participation au concours de dessin organisé par Clip Studio Paint (Celsys) dont le thème est "fruit".
Angel avait tellement faim, quelle n'a pas pus s'empêcher de croquer une fraise.
Angelyrthe est mon OC.

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Tan refrescante como la fruta! participo en el 19º Concurso Internacional de ilustración creado por CELSYS! Dame un Me gusta! 🤗

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A quick drawing I did on iPad. I think is cool to have an iPad and use but am still not convinced about getting one.

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