Day 23: Tylocephalonyx skinneri

This large perissodactyl from the Miocene epoch of North America is noted for having a big dome-like projection on its head, possibly for sexual display or ornamentation.

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❤️Have a heart! (Or three...)

Coleoids (i.e. soft bodied cephalopods) have 3 hearts. Two hearts known as branchial hearts pump blood for their gills, and the third heart, the systemic heart, which pumps blood to the rest of their body!

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spark sketch. and then kinda built around that ! but she draws inspiration species wise from anglerfish mostly as well as some other deep sea eels and cephalopods (mostly w her eyes) and design wise like. there’s some 80s influence initially here’s the initial concept sketch

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Akainacephalus johnsoni

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Agostino Carracci (16 August 1557 – 22 March 1602) was an Italian painter.Aurora and Cephalus 1597 Gallery Rome

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Euoplocephalus might not be the most nimble dinosaurs around, but they make up for it with their cheerful enthusiasm!

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I'm thrilled to be part of - raising awareness for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (MECFS).

We spread the word and support our fantastic artist, , who suffers from this debilitating illness.


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Oh, look at the clock! It's time!

Today's DotW is... Euoplocephalus!

Our good ol' Euoplocephalus are well protected with their bony armour and a tail club. All those knobs and plates (called osteoderms) will make any predator think twice before attacking!

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Then consider the following:
- Marx Soul (Kirby)
- Rudy the Clown (Wario Land)
- Mr Rhyme (Pokémon. Would have suggested Blacephalon but somebody was faster)
- Jevil (Deltarune)

I'm also going to summon because he might say more and has designed his own clowns too

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Before the dawn of humans, before the dinosaurs met their end, the planet Earth trembled under the reign of giant cephalopods.

They rule was absolute, aided by the race of their humanoid minions engineered through scinece and arcane knowlege from the first amphibians that…

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I'm begging people to remember that apart of Timmy's disability is hydrocephalus which is an enlarged head due to fluids

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Rajasaurus, Joe the Parasaurolophus, Euoplocephalus farting and Phorusrhacos...

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Was playing around with some picrew some days ago, ended up with some cephalopods
What do you guys think each one of them main?

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Ancyloceras audouli

The soft parts are very wrong,sorry about that,it was a test and i'm still trying to figure out how to draw cephalopods.

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The brickhead Touv is a medium sized waterloving pachycephalosaur of the HE desert realm, living exclusively in Malaepelta cavern burrows, these omnivores feed on both plants and bugs.

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