King Saul of Dominion. Inks to color (time-lapse) A character from DOMINION: Fall of the House of Saul. Coming Fall 2020

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Elite Seraphim Armor. DOMINION takes the best of Star Wars and Narnia and blends them together to make a brand new space epic! Coming Fall 2020.

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Jesus teaches on divorce and marriage, blesses the children, addresses a rich young ruler, talks about who is the greatest, heals Bartimaeus, eats with Zaccheus and enters Jerusalem in Volume 9 of the Life of Christ

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Volume 8 - "THE SON OF MAN" The cursing of the fig tree, healing on the Sabbath, the Prodigal Son, the Rich Man and Lazarus, healing of a leper, the return of the Son of Man and the raising of Lazarus.

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Volume 6 of the Life of Christ features Jesus Christ feeding 5000, walking on water and the Transfiguration.

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