In medieval Christianity, 14 January was the medieval Feast of the Ass.
It celebrated all the donkeys in the Bible and their contributions to Christianity.

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Allied propaganda vs Axis propaganda. Each depicted the other's hostility toward Christianity. Many Americans STILL depict the fascists as atheists, but that would've been news to them. The Nazis fear mongered about the loss of religion & the rise of "degeneracy". Too familiar.

141 669

48: Sometimes Love Just Isn't Enough
Dirk and Jake’s relationship. Topics: Love without understanding. Christianity. Suffering through the epilogues. Your impact on canon. How we replicate power structures. Faith.

12 38

I don't know about you, but I'm constantly seeing trending in my trend feed. Twitter seems to have a thing for Christianity.

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THREAD. The gold foil crosses found at Prittlewell appear to have been placed over the eyes of the person buried there, and are accepted by as a signal of his Christianity.

23 65

So it's another one of those books about how bad things only happened because people rejected Christianity. How is Ben Shapiro any different than every other religious conservative that came before him

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Inktober Day 23: Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD)
-Regenerated by the Holy Spirit after hearing from Romans 13:13.
-Became the bishop of a city in Algeria called Hippo.
-Writings, such as Confessions and City of God, have been a major influence on Western Christianity.

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Shoe Followers vs. the Gourd Followers - poking fun at the different branches of Christianity.

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