Brrrr! Check out this cool done by our VR department! If this guy’s alone in that weather for too long he might become ice-olated!

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I kinda miss walking around in the cold between classes... not a tf, just me being me.

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We like to watch the rain while eating popsicles but we don’t like to get wet 😁☔️🌧

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How nice to settle into a chair with an interesting when the outside the window is cold and bad.

Victoria Genisetskaya (виктория генисецкая)

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Day 6 - Pumpkins 🎃🎃🎃 This is Ciara . She is totally enjoying her PSL right now in this cold weather ☕👌😋

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This illustration from 2014 is dedicated to the midwest and the they’re going thru right now.

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This was everyone yesterday like wtf there was this sudden burst of snow and then GONE

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Here's a mole ice skating in to offset today's with a bit of cuteness.

Original mole for a recent brief.

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