Today is A very, very heartfelt to comic book colorists, you all have literally changed the face of comics and should always be on the cover credits!

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Thank you for adding so much to the lineart and for making it the best it could be!!!

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Alex Sinclair colors over Tom Raney line art for a THE GREEN LANTERN variant. This comes out February 6.

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Hey I'm Joy. I won a reality competition and now I paint people, illustrate, and make comics and music for a living?!

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Shawna Madd is really doing amazing with me.

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Gonzalo Ordóñez Arias ( ) is a wonderful illustrator in his own right, but he's also great at collaborating with UDON pencillers.

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Josh Perez () is always up for a new coloring challenge, and it always turns out great!

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I've working on projects with colorist Espen Grundetjern about 15 years now. Top talent able to produce a great range of styles.

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! I've been lucky enough to survive 4 years in this industry. Love my job, love to color and paint, super duper love this comic and art industry! Even though most of the time I feel lonely when I am working. Lol!

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Always hoped to work with someday. Last year he did amazing work on so many covers I drew!

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Check out these awesome colors by on my IRON GIANT commission.

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am i allowed to talk myself up for because i color (and write and draw) my own comic, and also color and 's comic Barbarous :3

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I am lucky to have worked with some amazing colorists! is brilliant on House of Wicked Creatures & is incredible on Nenetl of the Forgotten Spirits.

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Now a special for my best buddy who I've worked with the most over the 13-14 years that I've been drawing comics. I couldn't get to here without you man :D

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The one who makes me look good every issue. Best in the business. The one and only .

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Since it's and it would be like tooting my own horn if I were to show My own color work. I figured I'd share some work of some one who colored my art. this is the work of on issue one of Charismagic - The Death Princess published by

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I´ve been lucky to have this too talented artists as my colorists along many others🙌🙌🙌

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