Haven't had a chance to create anything new for this week's but here's a piece from a few weeks ago with a convenient amount of orange in it! 👩🏻‍🦰

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I’ve tried to achieve the correct colour for the for this weeks and made it slightly too dark to cover a mistake. He looks cute still 😊

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This little Lion cub will part of this weeks with a Tea Sepia colour. 😊 Another Lion will be included with the colour

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High camouflage for this weeks Pale Geranium Lake

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The Fisherman's 'Friend' for Even managed to find space for some of last week's

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Throwing this older piece into the mix for this weeks its been sooo long since I posted one 💕

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Spoonbill illustration. We are practicing drawing some water birds. We did this pencil crayon.

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A page layout for our children's picture book on the theme of adventure. In pencil crayon and collage.

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Urban icons- large acrylic and texturized sand for by Mark; Trying something new, a fabric pattern with and for today’s by Christina

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The start of the pattern - the poppies, before cutting out for something new, a fabric pattern with and for today’s by Christina

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