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Robbie Coltrane 1950 - 2022 #RobbieColtrane #HarryPotter #hagridforever
Thank you for bringing Hagrid to real life. Thank you for accompanying my childhood.
#Hagrid #RobbieColtrane
Was so sad to hear the news of Robbie Coltrane passing today, i drew this in tribute....for me he was Hagrid ♥
#RestInPeaceHagrid ♥
El legado de las películas de Harry Potter
es que la generación de mis hijos, se las enseñará a sus hijos.
Así que podrías seguirlas viendo por 50 años fácilmente 🪄
#HarryPotter #Hagrid #RobbieColtrane
#wizard #WizardingWorld
Rest in peace, Robbie Coltrane.
by @VladislavPantic
#VladPan #RobbieColtrane #RubeusHagrid #HarryPotter
I had dreamt of being welcomed to Hogwarts by someone as gentle and pure-hearted as Hagrid.
Thank you for having perfectly embodied this wonderful character, Robbie Coltrane. You will be missed, Sir. /*
Thank you Robbie Coltrane for all of your amazing work. Rest in peace. #scottish #robbiecoltrane #robbiecoltraneRIP #Robbie_Coltrane #hagrid
It’s time to say another sad goodbye. 🥺 Farewell to a wonderful actor, generous-hearted gent and a fellow Scot. You’ll be missed, but I’ll meet you in the Leaky Caldron for a catch up on the other side. 🥹
#RobbieColtrane #Hagrid #HarryPotter
Sad to hear about Robbie Coltrane. I remember him best for Tutti Frutti and The Young Ones and of course Mason Boyne🍊🇬🇧. Here’s a portrait I did a few years back when I was doing Harry Potter merchandise. Cheers, big man.
Robbie Coltrane além de interpretar nosso amado e inesquecível Hagrid, também foi voz de alguns personagens como Gooby no filme Meu Amigo Gooby e Lorde Dingwall em Valente!
RIP! 😔🙏🏻
RIP Robbie Coltrane. Portrait by the great John Byrne from the Tutti Frutti book.
RIP Robbie Coltrane our beloved Hagrid. Thank you.
#Hagrid #RobbieColtrane #harrypotter #artist #painting
#robbiecoltrane 演じた
“My music is the spiritual expression of what I am — my faith, my knowledge, my being...”
Happy 96th Birthday, JOHN William COLTRANE
(Some portraits I’ve done over the years)
#johnColtrane #alovesupreme #composer #saxophonist #spirtitualguide #watercolor #penandink #jazzlegend
10月9日「横濱ジャズプロムナード」に出演する【Days of Delight All Stars】は、DoDからリーダー作をリリースするプレイヤーたち。ピアノはファーストコール #片倉真由子。DoDから『plays Coltrane』『plays Standards』『plays TOKI』の3枚をリリースしています。