จริงๆ ตอนเขียนฟิกพันจง ที่บอกว่าพี่พันเป็น “ตัวตลกที่ไม่เคยสมหวังในรัก” เรฟ Commedia dell'arte มานิดหน่อย เพราะ Pantalone ในละครชอบไปจีบสาว แต่โดนปฏิเสธตลอด 😂

(ที่น่าสนใจคือเขาว่าเป็นคาร์ที่สื่อถึงวัยชรา ในคลิปฟาทุยผมพี่พันนี่ไม่รู้ว่าเงาหรือจงใจออกแบบให้ดูหงอก แต่รูปนี้ชัดมาก)

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Another round of 's Ultimate Designers challenge! Tonight I got assigned Ultimate Masseur and Ultimate Pierrot...which led to me giving myself a quick lesson on commedia dell'arte characters.

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well, it's a collage of 5 vintage drawings of different Commedia dell'Arte characters that I placed in a way that it matches the boys position and attitude in the photo 🤓 in the making, I became an expert in Italian clownery 🤣

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a tutti
Giocolieri abilissimi, trasformano luoghi e persone e si servono della commedia magnetica. Gli occhi fiammeggiano, il sangue canta, le ossa si dilatano lacrime e filamenti

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Giocolieri abilissimi, trasformano luoghi e persone e si servono della commedia magnetica. Gli occhi fiammeggiano, il sangue canta, le ossa si dilatano ...

Solo io ho la chiave di questa parata selvaggia.

Picasso 1917.

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SHINee Art 'Reenactments'
Clowns / Commedia dell'Arte Series

"When something's hard, smiling helps us in the end, and it becomes fun." - Taemin

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Las aventuras de la androide petadísima y el grupo de estrafalarios personajes de la Villa del Pingüino amenizaron las tardes de miles de chavales. La serie contaba con personajes entrañables, humor absurdo y quintales de imaginación. El poder de la COMMEDIA.

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Pantalone is one of the stock Commedia dell'Arte characters. He is the archetype of an old merchant, sometimes wealthy and esteemed, at other times completely ruined and lecherous. Often greedy, he assumes everything, especially love, can be bought and sold.

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All three commedia clowns in one pic!

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Coming on Monday more Commedia Dell’arte - looking at the players and the troupes, who they were, how they performed, survived and flourished.


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Dante - Dante Alighieri, the author of La Divina Commedia. The stigmatas represent the three stages of his journey in the scripture.

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Dia 789 | Dante Alighieri 🎱 La Divina Comedia • La Divina Commedia

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The Scenarios of Comedia Dell’arte are more varied that the stable of reused characters might suggest. Find out more in today’s episode.

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"Commedia dell'arte"

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Quel che non riesce a dire Euripide nella tragedia, lo dice Aristofane con la commedia.

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Además, el álbum representa una serie de individuos y profesiones: desde cazadores, músicos y artesanos a personajes de la Commedia dell' Arte.

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> 冷たいスイーツを食べる閣下をお願いします! https://t.co/f04qDeqh2c

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Hey (?
Draw Dolly for the au by lol

I was inspired by the "Colombina" from the Commedia dell'Arte.
Her stage name is "Canario" and love sing 💖🎶🎵

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JK it's an OC. He's a Fatui Harbringer based on the Commedia Dell'Arte character "Brighella." It seemed odd that Hoyo left them out... so here's my fan design!

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