At last, Raab has fallen! Apparently, the other candidates tricked him into saying his own name out loud, he reverted to his human form, and Rory Stewart crushed his head with his bare hands.

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Brighty on the inevitability of PM - political cartoon gallery in London

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Brian Adcock: An unanswerable question for the lying pompous one. - political cartoon gallery in London

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Brighty on If you were to morph all the Rolling Stones into one... - political cartoon gallery in London

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Patrick Blower on Boris Johnson's Tory leadership bid - political cartoon gallery in London

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Peter Brookes on Boris Johnson's Tory leadership bid - political cartoon gallery in London

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Steve Bell on Boris Johnson's Tory leadership bid - political cartoon gallery in London

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Christian Adams on Boris Johnson's bid to be the next PM - political cartoon gallery in London

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