//=time() ?>
finished the wip for cooldown before sleep
i just noped at the armor
Me: It is an honor! #nkmtART
cooldown doodle before slep #nkmtART
found out they use oakdaddy tag for Halsin on tumb/r lol
ok bye
Shamelessly copying Elysia's pose
Probably won't continue this one since this is more just a vent or cooldown sketch, been really busy with work lately :((
cooldown art this time? i watched nick's graveyard keeper vod while working today! (❁´◡`❁) eep now nainai #NickTreats
Babu! Sebagai childe main sender liat dia kaya gini jadi gatel sendiri pengen balikin ke mode bow, takut cooldownnya nanti jadi seabad 😭
babu! Menurut kalian, kalo The Bell ini di buff dari 10 jadi 20 detik shieldnya aktif, atau cooldown nya dari 45 detik ke 20 detik, bakalan nge bantu Dehya jadi DPS ga?
cooldown drawing after grinding model work turned into more model work.... every attempt gets closer to my painting style and i am happy !!
Colored sketch (My brain is still in cooldown mode)
"The breeze under the tree lulled her to sleep on my back."
[cr] cooldown following the nightingale ball #newbaileytimes